Bill No.                 22 -10                      

Concerning: Special Capital Improvements Project – Travilah Fire Station                        

Revised:    April 14, 2010    Draft No.      1         

Introduced:      April 20, 2010                

Enacted:         June 15, 2010                

Executive:       June 21, 2010                

Effective:        September 20, 2010       

Sunset Date:  None                             

Ch.   25    , Laws of Mont. Co.    2010    





County Council

For Montgomery County, Maryland



            By: Council President at the Request of the County Executive


AN ACT to authorize the planning, design and construction of the Travilah Fire Station, Project No. 450504, in the Potomac-Travilah planning area.


By adding to the laws of Montgomery County 2010




Boldface                                             Heading or defined term.

Underlining                                          Added to existing law by original bill.

[Single boldface brackets]                  Deleted from existing law by original bill.

Double underlining                              Added by amendment.

[[Double boldface brackets]]              Deleted from existing law or the bill by amendment.

*   *   *                                                  Existing law unaffected by bill.










The County Council for Montgomery County, Maryland approves the following Act:

Sec. 1.  The laws of Montgomery County, Maryland, are amended to read as follows:

          Montgomery County, Maryland, is authorized to plan, design, and construct the Travilah Fire Station, Project No. 450504, in the Potomac-Travilah planning area.  This authorization includes all necessary planning, design, site improvements, furniture, fixtures, equipment, and structures.
