Bill No.                1-11                          

Concerning: Administration – Department of Health and Human Services – Duties         

Revised:    3/1/2011          Draft No. 6  

Introduced:      January 18, 2011            

Enacted:         March 1, 2011                

Executive:       March 10, 2011              

Effective:        June 9, 2011                  

Sunset Date:  None                             

Ch.   3      , Laws of Mont. Co.    2011    


County Council

For Montgomery County, Maryland


By: Councilmembers Leventhal, Navarro, and Rice


AN ACT to:

(1)        authorize the Department of Health and Human Services to provide direct access to health care;

(2)        authorize the Department to administer programs to reduce disparities in access to health care, preventative health services, and human services;

(3)        authorize the Department to provide health education and promotion programs;

(4)        amend the functions of the Commission on Health; and

(5)        generally amend the law regarding health and human services and health and sanitation.


By amending

            Montgomery County Code

Chapter 2, Administration

            Section 2-42A


            Chapter 24, Health and Sanitation

            Sections 24-22 and 24-24



Boldface                                             Heading or defined term.

Underlining                                          Added to existing law by original bill.

[Single boldface brackets]                  Deleted from existing law by original bill.

Double underlining                              Added by amendment.

[[Double boldface brackets]]              Deleted from existing law or the bill by amendment.

*   *   *                                                  Existing law unaffected by bill.








The County Council for Montgomery County, Maryland approves the following Act:

          Sec. 1.  Sections 2-42A, 24-22, and 24-24 are amended as follows:

Division 7A. Department of Health and Human Services.

2-42A.  Functions, powers, and duties.

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(c)      Powers of the Department.  The Department may:

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(4)     collect data on the health status of County residents, including health disparities and inequities, and on the need for services and the effectiveness of programs;

            *          *          *

(15)   conduct studies and investigations; [and]

(16)   provide direct access to health care;

(17)   administer programs to reduce disparities in access to health care, preventive health services, and human services based on gender, race, ethnicity, and poverty;

(18)   provide health education and promotion programs; and

(19)   carry out any other functions that are necessary to achieve the purposes of this Section.

(d)     Duties of the Department.

            *          *          *

(3)     The Department provides staff support to [the]:

                             (A)    the Commission on Children and Youth;

                             (B)     the Commission on Aging;

                             (C)     the Community Action Committee;

                             (D)    the Commission on Child Care;

                             (E)     the Commission on People with Disabilities;

                             (F)     the Alcohol and Other Drug Abuse Advisory Council.

                             (G)    the Mental Health Advisory Council.

                             (H)    the Juvenile Court Committee;

                             (I)      the Commission on Health;

                             (J)      the Board of Social Services;

(K)    the Adult Public Guardianship Review Board; [and]

                    (L)     the Victim Services Advisory Board;

(M)    the Advisory Board for the Montgomery Cares Program; and

(N)    any program created to achieve health equity among County residents.

24-22.  Policy.

(a)     It is the policy of Montgomery County to protect and promote the public health and safety and general welfare by fostering the development of a health care system that provides [[for all citizens,]] financial and geographic access to quality culturally and linguistically competent health care at a reasonable cost for all County residents.  To accomplish this purpose, it is essential that plans for maintaining the health of [[the citizenry]] County residents and developing health services to meet the current and future health needs of [[the citizens of the county]] County residents be prepared, programs to implement these plans be developed and executed, and proposed developments or alterations of health services be publicly reviewed and commented [[upon]] onHealth planning should address the overall health status of County residents, [[and]] health disparities within social, economic, geographic, racial and ethnic groups, and the effects of social determinants of health on County residents.

            *          *          *

24-24. Functions.

(a)     To advise the County Executive and the County Council, the Commission must:

(1)     Periodically review available County public health programs, services, and facilities and data on the health status of the County population and subgroups within it;

(2)     Comment on gaps, deficiencies, or duplication in County public health programs, services, and facilities, including health status disparities and inequities;

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(5)     Advise on local public health planning needs based on health status data;

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