Advisory Commission on Policing

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Public Comment

Submit comments or questions to the County's Advisory Commission on Policing using the form below.

Alternatively, email Montgomery County Council staff for the Commission at with the subject line “ACP Comment” or send a letter to the following address:

Advisory Commission on Policing
Council Office Building
100 Maryland Avenue, 6th Floor
Rockville, MD 20850

Comments submitted may be shared with all members of the Commission, including the Chief of Police (or their designee) and a representative from the police union. Please note that under the Maryland Public Information Act (MPIA), all comments received by the Commission are public and might be shared in response to an MPIA request.

Note: The Commission is not a regulatory or disciplinary body over any law enforcement agency. Pursuant to Section 35-24, the Commission must forward to the Police Accountability Board complaints involving police misconduct and discipline that fall under its jurisdiction.

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