Request Applications

Application & Instructions

To apply to change an existing service area category for a particular property, follow these steps:

  1. Fill out the Water/Sewer Category Change Request Form (DOC). You may find that your County property tax bill and the Maryland Real Property database is useful for finding the information you'll need to complete the form. Open the instructions and information about the application (DOC).
    Please note new Private Institutional Facility (PIF) Policy requirements. Applicants for a PIF user must first provide a concept plan for the project to M-NCPPC for consideration by the County’s Development Review Committee (DRC). Please refer to page 3 of the instructions document for more information.

  2. Calculate the fee from the information and instructions packet (see the last link under step 1).

  3. Take your payment to the Division of the Treasury. Bring two copies of the receipt form and your payment (check or money order only, no cash) to the Treasury Office at 27 Courthouse Square, Suite 200, Rockville, MD 20850. The cashier office is open 8 am to 4:30 pm, Monday-Friday.

    Make checks payable to “Montgomery County Maryland” and include “category change request” on the memo line.

    Treasury staff will accept your payment and the two receipt forms and will stamp the forms verifying your payment. Treasury staff will then give one copy of the stamped receipt form back for you to send to DEP.  

    Email a digital copy of your application with the stamped receipt form to [email protected]. You may also mail in a hardcopy if you choose to the following address - Attn: Alan Soukup, 2425 Reedie Drive, Fourth Floor, Wheaton, MD 20902.

    Do not send your category change application to M-NCPPC or to WSSC Water.

  4. You will receive an acknowledgement of DEP’s receipt of your application, including the assigned application number. We will keep you advised of the status of the request throughout the process. You may e-mail us for information at any time.