Montgomery Cares

Care For Your Health Inc.
12850 Middlebrook Road, Suite 400, Germantown, MD 20874

Clinic: Care For Your Health Inc.

12850 Middlebrook Road, Suite 400
Germantown, MD 20874

Schedule: Monday - Friday: 9:00am - 5:00pm

Pop-Up Community Clinics:
Silver Spring (Clifton Park Baptist Church, last Wednesday and Thursday of the month, 9am – 3pm);
Gaithersburg (St. Rose of Lima Catholic Church, first and third Tuesday of the month, 9am – 3pm);
Germantown (Middlebrook Trailer Park, second Thursday of the month, 12pm – 7pm);
Poolesville (WUMCO-Poolesville Baptist Church, first and third Saturday of the month, 8am – 4pm)
Walk-in: Yes
Appointment Required: No
Appointment Phone Number: 240-844-2552
Bus/Metro Route: Silver Spring - Metro Z2 Bus; Shady Grove - Bus 100, transfer to Bus 74
Insurance Participation: Montgomery Cares, Medicare, Advantage Plans: Aetna, Johns Hopkins, United, Medicaid, Medicaid MCO: Maryland Physicians Care, United, University of Maryland/Riverside

Commercial: Aetna, Care First BCBS, Cigna, United
Special Features: Multilingual: English, Spanish, Portuguese and Catalan.

Provides the following services: Geriatric Primary Care, Mental Health Screening and Treatment, Grief Counseling, Palliative Care, Home Health Care, Pop-Up Clinics, Testing and Vaccination for Respiratory Diseases
