We are not accepting any walk-ins at this time. However, appointments may be made by calling (240) 777-8300 or emailing cfwinfo@montgomerycountymd.gov. We can provide information and/or referrals via phone, in person, or by phone.

Commission for Women meetings take place the second Thursdays of every month at 7:00pm.

We have moved to a hybrid schedule. The following meetings are in person:

  • March 13, 2025
  • June 12, 2025

Please email cfwinfo@montgomerycountymd.gov for meeting information.

Resources for Workers Impacted by Recent Federal Government Actions


We provide residents with free or low-cost seminars on a variety of topics.  The Commission generally offers seminars on the following topics:
  1. Separation and Divorce: What Do I Need To Know?
  2. Financial Health and Wellness
  3. Career Series (will return Spring 2025)
  4. Self-Defense Classes (on hiatus)

Interested in attending a seminar?  Learn more about our offerings or, sign up for our newsletter!  Our newsletter is generally sent out weekly and includes information about our programs and other Montgomery County events.
