2013 Zoning Text Amendments (ZTA’s) and Subdivision Regulation Amendments (SRA’s)

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ZTA/SRA No. Title Status
ZTA-13-09 Noticing Signs - Local Map Amendments Enacted - Ord. No. 17-42
ZTA-13-08 TMX - Land Uses Enacted -  Ord. No. 17-41
ZTA-13-07 US 29 Overlay Zone - Land Use Enacted - Ord. No. 17-40
ZTA-13-06 Fenton Village Overlay - Building Height Enacted - Ord. No. 17-39
ZTA-13-05 US 29 Overlay Zone - Standards Enacted - Ord. No. 17-38


ZTA-13-04 (Showing amendments)

Zoning Ordinance - Revised Enacted - Ord. No. 17-43
ZTA-13-03 Impervious Area - Calculation Introduced
ZTA-13-02 Central Business District Zones - Self Storage Enacted - Ord. No. 17-37
ZTA-13-01 Planned Development (PD) Zones - Procedures Enacted - Ord. No. 17-35
SRA-13-03 Record Plats - Approval  Introduced
SRA-13-02 Platting Exemptions - Single Family Dwelling Enacted - Ord. No. 17-36
SRA-13-01 Adequate Public Facilities - Preliminary Subdivision Plans - Validity Period Enacted - Ord. No. 17-31