MC-100.01 |
Combination Concrete Curb and Gutter - Type A |
MC-101.01 |
Combination Concrete Curb and Gutter - Type C |
MC-102.01 |
Depressed Curb Entrance |
MC-103.01 |
Bituminous Concrete Curb |
MC-104.01 |
Mountable Concrete Curb and Gutter - Type F |
MC-110.01 |
Residential Sidewalk - Closed Section |
MC-111.01 |
Business District Sidewalk |
MC-111.02 |
Streetscape - Pavers Sidewalk |
MC-112.01 |
Residential Sidewalk Ramp |
MC-113.01 |
Business District Sidewalk - Single Ramp |
MC-113.02 |
Business District Sidewalk - Dual Ramp |
MC-114.01 |
Median Opening |
MC-200.01 |
Residential Alley |
MC-201.01 |
Commercial Alley |
MC-210.01 |
Tertiary Residential Street - 44' Right-Of-Way |
MC-210.02 |
Tertiary Residential Street - 50' Right-Of-Way |
MC-210.03 |
Modified Tertiary Residential Street |
MC-210.04 |
Tertiary Residential Street with Parking Bays |
MC-210.05 |
Tertiary Residential Street - Open Section with Sidewalks and Street Trees |
MC-211.01 |
Secondary Residential Road |
MC-211.02 |
Secondary Residential Road - Open Section |
MC-211.03 |
Secondary Residential Road - Open Section with Sidewalks and Street Trees |
MC-212.01 |
Primary Residential Road |
MC-212.02 |
Alternative Primary Residential Road |
MC-212.03 |
Primary Residential Road - Open Section |
MC-212.04 |
Primary Residential Road - Open Section with Sidewalk, Bikepath and Street Trees |
MC-212.05 |
Master Plan Primary Road - Open Section with Sidewalk, Bikepath and Street Trees |
MC-213.01 |
Arterial Road |
MC-213.02 |
Arterial Road - Open Section |
MC-213.03 |
Arterial Road - 5 Lanes Including Center Left Turn Lane |
MC-213.04 |
Arterial Road - Open Section with Sidewalk, Bikepath and Street Trees |
MC-214.01 |
Commercial-Business District Road |
MC-214.02 |
Commercial/Industrial Road - 60' Right of Way |
MC-214.03 |
Commercial/Industrial Road - 70' Right of Way |
MC-215.01 |
Secondary Residential Dual Road - 76' Right of Way |
MC-215.02 |
Secondary Residential Dual Road - 100' Right of Way |
MC-216.01 |
Primary Residential Dual Road - 84' Right of Way |
MC-216.02 |
Primary Residential Dual Road - 100' Right of Way |
MC-217.01 |
Arterial Dual Road - 100' Right of Way |
MC-217.02 |
Arterial Dual Road - 110' Right of Way |
MC-217.03 |
Arterial Dual Road - 120' Right of Way |
MC-217.04 |
Arterial Dual Road - Open Section with Sidewalk, Bikepath, and Street Trees |
MC-218.01 |
Major Dual Road - 120' Right of Way |
MC-218.02 |
Major Dual Highway - 150' Right of Way |
MC-219.01 |
Commercial/Industrial Dual Road - 80' Right of Way |
MC-219.02 |
Commercial/Industrial Dual Road - 100' Right of Way |
MC-219.03 |
Commercial/Industrial Dual Road - 112' Right of Way |
MC-219.04 |
Commercial/Industrial Dual Road - 120' Right of Way |
MC-220.01 |
Residential Road Intersection - Open Section with Curb and Gutter Placement |
MC-221.01 |
Traffic Control Intersection - Residential Roads |
MC-221.02 |
Traffic Control Circle - Residential Roads |
MC-222.01 |
Cul-De-Sac - Curb and Gutter Roads |
MC-222.02 |
Cul-De-Sac - Open Section Roads |
MC-223.01 |
Temporary Turnaround - Curb and Gutter Roads |
MC-223.02 |
Temporary Turnaround - Open Section Roads |
MC-224.01 |
Monumental Entrance |
MC-224.02 |
Monumental Entrance - With Accel./Decel. Lanes |
MC-225.01 |
Edge Transit Way - 150' Right of Way |
MC-225.02 |
Median Transit Way - 150' Right of Way |
MC-225.03 |
Exclusive Transit Way - 70' Right of Way |
MC-300.01 |
Tertiary Driveway |
MC-300.02 |
Tertiary Driveway with Mountable Curb |
MC-301.01 |
Residential Driveway |
MC-301.02 |
Residential Driveway with Mountable Curb |
MC-301.03 |
Residential Driveway - Open Section Road |
MC-301.04 |
Residential Driveway - Limited Width |
MC-301.05 |
Residential Driveway with Curb Radius |
MC-302.01 |
Commercial Driveway |
MC-303.01 |
Methods of Transitioning Driveways |
MC-500.01 |
Driveway Endwall - Open Section Road |
MC-501.01 |
"A" Inlet |
MC-502.01 |
"B" Inlet |
MC-502.02 |
Reverse "B" Inlet |
MC-503.01 |
"D" Inlet |
MC-504.01 |
"E" Inlet |
MC-505.01 |
"E-4" Inlet |
MC-506.01 |
"J" Inlet |
MC-506.02 |
"J" Inlet as a Terminus |
MC-507.01 |
Precast Curb Inlet Guidelines |
MC-510.01 |
"A" Manhole |
MC-515.01 |
"B" Manhole |
MC-520.01 |
Manhole and Inlet Steps |
MC-520.02 |
Manhole and Inlet Steps in Channels |
MC-521.01 |
Cutoff Wall with Concrete Outfall |
MC-521.02 |
Cutoff Wall with Riprap Outfall |
MC-525.01 |
Subgrade Drains - Open Section Roadways |
MC-700.01 |
Tree Locations - Closed Section Roads |
MC-701.01 |
Tree Locations - Open Section Roads |
MC-702.01 |
Tree Planting Detail |
MC-703.01 |
Approved Street Tree Varieties-Major (Large) Trees |
MC-703.02 |
Approved Street Tree Varieties-Minor (Small) Trees |
MC-704.01 |
Allowable Greenspace Plantings |
MC-800.01 |
Barricade Post |
MC-801.01 |
Utility Patch in Rigid Pavement |
MC-801.02 |
Utility Patch in Flexible Pavement |
MC-801.03 |
Utility Patch for Appurtenance Adjustment |
MC-810.01 |
Swale Section |
MC-811.01 |
Methods of Grading Side Slopes |
MC-2001.01 |
Tertiary Residential Street - Sidewalk on One Side |
MC-2001.02 |
Tertiary Residential Street - Sidewalk on Both Sides |
MC-2001.03 |
Tertiary Residential Street - Open Section |
MC-2002.01 |
Secondary Residential Street - No Designated Parking |
MC-2002.02 |
Secondary Residential Street - Parking on One Side |
MC-2002.03 |
Secondary Residential Street - Parking on Both Sides |
MC-2002.04 |
Secondary Residential Street - Open Section |
MC-2003.08 |
Primary / Principal Secondary Residential Street - Bike Lanes, Parking on One Side |
MC-2003.09 |
Primary / Principal Secondary Residential Street - Bike Lanes, Parking on Both Sides |
MC-2003.10 |
Primary / Principal Secondary Residential Street - No Designated Parking |
MC-2003.11 |
Primary / Principal Secondary Residential Street - Parking on One Side |
MC-2003.12 |
Primary / Principal Secondary Residential Street - Parking on Both Sides |
MC-2003.14 |
Primary / Principal Secondary Residential Street - Open Section |
MC-2004.01 |
Urban Arterial Road - 4 Lanes |
MC-2004.02 |
Urban Arterial Road - 4 Lanes with Bike Lanes |
MC-2004.03 |
Urban Arterial Road - 5 Lanes |
MC-2004.04 |
Urban Arterial Road - 5 Lanes with Bike Lanes |
MC-2004.05 |
Urban Divided Arterial Road - 4 Lanes |
MC-2004.06 |
Urban Divided Arterial Road - 4 Lanes with Bike Lanes |
MC-2004.07A |
Suburban Arterial Road - 4 Lanes |
MC-2004.07B |
Suburban Arterial Road - 4 Lanes: 40 MPH Alternate |
MC-2004.08A |
Suburban Arterial Road - 4 Lanes with Bike Lanes |
MC-2004.08B |
Suburban Arterial Road - 4 Lanes with Bike Lanes: 40 MPH Alternate |
MC-2004.09A |
Suburban Divided Arterial Road - 4 Lanes |
MC-2004.09B |
Suburban Divided Arterial Road - 4 Lanes : 40 MPH Alternate |
MC-2004.10A |
Suburban Divided Arterial Road - 4 Lanes with Bike Lanes |
MC-2004.10B |
Suburban Divided Arterial Road - 4 Lanes with Bike Lanes: 40 MPH Alternate |
MC-2004.11A |
Suburban Arterial Road - 5 Lanes |
MC-2004.11B |
Suburban Arterial Road - 5 Lanes 40 MPH Alternate |
MC-2004.12A |
Suburban Arterial Road - 5 Lanes with Bike Lanes |
MC-2004.12B |
Suburban Arterial Road - 5 Lanes with Bike Lanes : 40 MPH Alternate |
MC-2004.14 |
Suburban Arterial Road - Open Section: 4 Lanes w/ Bike Lanes |
MC-2004.16 |
Suburban Divided Arterial Road - Open Section: 4 Lanes w/ Bike Lanes |
MC-2004.18 |
Rural Arterial Road - Open Section: 4 Lanes w/ Bike Lanes |
MC-2004.19 |
Urban Minor Arterial Road - 2 Lanes |
MC-2004.20 |
Urban Minor Arterial Road - 2 Lanes with Parking |
MC-2004.21 |
Urban Minor Arterial Road -2 Lanes with Bike Lanes |
MC-2004.22 |
Urban Minor Arterial Road -2 Lanes with Bike Lanes and Parking |
MC-2004.23 |
Urban Minor Arterial Road - 3 Lanes |
MC-2004.24 |
Urban Minor Arterial Road - 3 Lanes with Parking |
MC-2004.25 |
Suburban Minor Arterial Road - 2 Lanes |
MC-2004.26 |
Suburban Minor Arterial Road - 2 Lanes with Bike Lanes |
MC-2004.27 |
Suburban Minor Arterial Road - 2 Lanes with Parking |
MC-2004.28 |
Suburban Minor Arterial Road - 2 Lanes with Bike Lanes and Parking |
MC-2004.29 |
Suburban Minor Arterial Road - 3 Lanes with Parking |
MC-2004.31 |
Suburban Minor Arterial Road - Open Section: 2 Lanes w/ Bike Lanes |
MC-2004.33 |
Rural Minor Arterial Road - Open Section: 2 Lanes w/ Bike Lanes |
MC-2004.34 |
Country Road - Open Section (Suburban & Rural Only) |
MC-2004.35 |
Country Arterial - Open Section (Rural Only) |
MC-2005.01 |
Business District Street - 2 Lanes with Parking on One Side |
MC-2005.02 |
Business District Street - 2 Lanes with Parking on Both Sides |
MC-2005.03 |
Business District Street - 4 Lanes with Parking |
MC-2005.04 |
Divided Business District Street - 4 Lanes with Parking |
MC-2006.01 |
Industrial Street - 2 Lanes |
MC-2006.02 |
Industrial Street - 3 Lanes |
MC-2006.03 |
Industrial Street - 4 Lanes |
MC-2006.04 |
Divided Industrial Street - 4 Lanes |
MC-2007.01 |
Urban Parkway |
MC-2007.02 |
Suburban Parkway |
MC-2007.03A |
Rural Parkway - Open Section: 30, 35 & 40 MPH |
MC-2007.03B |
Rural Parkway - Open Section: 45 & 50 MPH |
MC-2008.01A |
Urban Major Highway - 6 Lanes |
MC-2008.01B |
Urban Major Highway - 6 Lanes: 40 MPH Alternate |
MC-2008.02 |
Urban Major Highway - 6 Lanes with Bike Lanes |
MC-2008.04A |
Suburban Major Highway - 6 Lanes with Bike Lanes: 30, 35 & 40 MPH |
MC-2008.04B |
Suburban Major Highway - 6 Lanes with Bike Lanes: 45 & 50 MPH |
MC-2008.05A |
Rural Major Highway - Open Section: 4 Lanes - Sidewalk on One Side - 45 MPH |
MC-2008.05B |
Rural Major Highway - Open Section: 4 Lanes - Sidewalk on Both Sides - 45 MPH |
MC-2008.05C |
Rural Major Highway - Open Section: 4 Lanes - Sidewalk on One Side - 50 & 55 MPH |
MC-2008.05D |
Rural Major Highway - Open Section: 4 Lanes - Sidewalk on Both Sides - 50 & 55 MPH |
MC-2008.07 |
Urban Controlled Major Highway - 6 Lanes: 40 MPH |
MC-2008.08 |
Urban Controlled Major Highway - 6 Lanes: 45 & 50 MPH |
MC-2008.09 |
Suburban Controlled Major Highway - 6 Lanes: 40 MPH |
MC-2008.10 |
Suburban Controlled Major Highway - 6 Lanes: 44, 50 & 55 MPH |
MC-2008.11A |
Suburban Controlled Major Hwy. - Open Section: 4 Lanes - 40 MPH |
MC-2008.11B |
Suburban Controlled Major Hwy. - Open Section: 4 Lanes - 45, 50 & 55 MPH |
MC-2008.12A |
Rural Controlled Major Hwy. - Open Section: 4 Lanes - 45 & 50 MPH |
MC-2008.12B |
Rural Controlled Major Hwy. - Open Section: 4 Lanes - 55 MPH |
Revision History |
Revision History |