Executive Orders

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MCEO 265-04:  DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND TRANSPORTATION - Traffic Order - Bethesda.  REMOVE:  No Parking Any Time on southwest side of Harrison St. from the DC line to 70' northwest of the District of Columbia, on northeast side of Harrison St. from DC  line to 100' northwest of the DC line, Two-Hour Parking 9AM-6PM Mon. Thru, Fri. , on southwest side of Harrison St. from 70' north of the DC line to Murray Rd., on northeast side of Harrison St. from 100' northwest of the DC line to Murray Rd.; INSTALL:  No Parking Any Time on northeast side of Harrison St from Western Ave. to 100' northeast of Western Ave., on southwest side of Harrison St. from 70' northwest of Western Ave. to Western Ave., Permit Parking Only 9AM - 6 PM, Monday - Friday, Brookdale on northeast side of Harrison St. from 100' north of Western Ave. to Andover Rd., from Andover Rd. to Murray Rd., on southwest side of Harrison St. from Murray Rd. to 70' northwest of Western Ave  Effective Date:  11/28/04.


MCEO 266-04:  DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND TRANSPORTATION - Traffic Order - Wheaton/Glenmont.  REMOVE:  No Parking Any Time on east side of Galludet St. from dead end to a point 250' north, on west side of Gallaudet St. from 20' south of the driveway for 15404 Gallaudet St. to road end and including across the road end section, on east side of Gallaudet St. from the road end to 250 ' north of the road end, including the stub section.  Effective Date:  11/28/04.


MCEO 267-04:  DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND TRANSPORTATION - Traffic Order - Gaithersburg.  INSTALL:  No Stopping Any Time on northwest side of
S. Westland Dr. from Alden Ave. to 200' southwest of Alden Ave., on southeast side of S. Westland Dr. from 75' southwest of Alden Ave. to Alden Ave., No Parking Any Time on northwest side of S. Westland Dr. from 120' northeast of Edgewood Dr. to Edgewood Dr.  Effective Date:  11/28/04.


MCEO 268-04:  DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND TRANSPORTATION - Traffic Order - Bethesda.  REMOVE:  No Parking Any Time on north side of Greentree Rd. from a point 50' west of Hempstead Ave. to 50' east of Hempstead Ave.;  INSTALL:  No Parking Any Time on north side of Greentree Rd. from Oneida Ln. to2222 50' west of Oneida Ln., on north side of Greentree Rd. from 120' east of Hempstead Ave. to 50' west of Hempstead Ave., on south side of Greentree Rd. from 120' west of Hempstead Ave. to 100' east of Hempstead Ave.  Effective Date:  11/28/04.


MCEO 277-04:  DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND TRANSPORTATION - Traffic Order - Rockville.  INSTALL:  Permit Parking Only School Days 8AM - 1PM, Regency Purple on east side of Postoak Rd. from Bunnell Dr. to Victory Ln., No Parking School Days 8AM - 1PM  on west side of Postoak Rd. from Victory Ln. to Bunnell Dr.  Effective Date:  11/28/04.


MCEO 278-04:  DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND TRANSPORTATION - Traffic Order - Bethesda.  REMOVE:  3 Hour Parking 7AM - 7PM, Monday - Friday on eastside of Tuckerman Ln. from 48' north of Cloister Dr. to 373' north of Cloister Dr., No Standing Any Time on east side of Tuckerman Ln. from 373' north of Cloister Dr. to Rockville Pike.; INSTALL:  3 Hour Parking 7AM - 7PM Monday - Friday on east side of Tuckerman Ln. from 48' north of Cloister Dr. to 307' north of Cloister Dr., Handicap Parking By Tag or Permit on east side of Tuckerman Ln. from 307' north of Cloister Dr. to 375' north of same, No Standing Any Time on east side of Tuckerman Ln. from 375' north of Cloister Dr. to Rockville Pike.  Effective Date:  12/07/04.


MCEO 279-04:  DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND TRANSPORTATION  - Traffic Order- Bethesda.  REMOVE:  No Parking Any Time on west side of Friendship Blvd. from Willard Ave. to 236' south of Willard Ave., on west side of Friendship Blvd. from 645' south of Willard Ave. to 800' south of Willard Ave., from Willard Ave. to Western Ave., No Parking 7AM - 9AM 4PM - 7PM on west side of Friendship Blvd. from 236' south of Willard Ave. to 615' south of Willard Ave., from 645' south of Willard Ave. to 800' south of Willard Ave., 2 Hour Parking 9AM - 4PM Monday - Friday on west side of Friendship Blvd. from 236' south of Willard Ave. to 615' south of same, from 800' south of Willard Ave. to Western Ave., No Standing Any Time on west side of Friendship Blvd. from 615' south of Willard Ave. to 654 south of same.  Effective Date:  12/06/04.


MCEO 280-04:  DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND TRANSPORTATION - Traffic Order - Germantown.  INSTALL:  No Parking Any Time on Ashmeade Rd. around the island in the center of the cul-de-sac south of Ashleigh Green Rd.  Effective Date:  11/28/04.


MCEO 281-04:  DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND TRANSPORTATION - Traffic Order - Silver Spring.  INSTALL:  No Parking Any Time on the north side of Kathryn Rd. from 80' east of Tiffany Rd. to Tiffany Rd., No Standing Any Time on north side of Kathryn Rd. from Tiffany Rd. to 100' west of Tiffany Rd.  Effective Date:  11/28/04.


MCEO 282-04:  DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND TRANSPORTATION - Traffic Order - Wheaton/Glenmont.  INSTALL:  No Parking Any Time on Barnsley Ln. around the traffic island in the center of the cul-de-sac.  Effective Date:  11/28/04.


MCEO 283-04:  DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND TRANSPORTATION - Abandonment of a Portion of Ronald Dr., Potomac, Maryland.  The county executive's designee conducted a public hearing at 10:30 a.m. on Monday, December 13, 2004, at 101 Monroe Street, EOB Lobby Auditorium, Rockville, Maryland  20850 to consider an application from Ahmad and Mahtab Habibi, seeking abandonment of a portion of unimproved Ronald Drive as it adjoins Falls Road in Potomac.  The hearing officer will report his findings and recommendations to the county executive for further consideration as prescribed by the County Code.  Effective Date:  12/10/04.


MCEO 284-04:  DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND TRANSPORTATION - Acceptance of Option Contract with James H. Williams and Jean F.Williams Fairland Road Improvements Project, CIP Project 500402  The option contract between James H. Williams and Jean F. Williams and Montgomery County for the purchase of land and granting of easement for the project is accepted.  The county attorney is directed to take all necessary steps to acquire the land and easement.  Effective Date:  12/03/04.


MCEO 285-04:  DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND TRANSPORTATION - Traffic Order - Wheaton/Glenmont.  REMOVE:  Permit Parking Only 9AM - 5PM, Monday - Friday, Glenmont on northwestside of Judson Rd. from Flack St. to 114' southwest of Georgia Ave., No Parking Any Time on northwest side of Judson Rd. from 114' southwest of Georgia Ave. to Georgia Ave.; INSTALL:  No Parking Any Time on northwest side of Judson Rd. from Georgia Ave. to 90' southwest of Georgia Ave.  Permit Parking Only 9 AM - 5 PM, Monday - Friday, Glenmont on northwest side of Judson Rd. from 90' southwest of Georgia Ave. to Flack St.  Effective Date:  12/10/04.


MCEO 286-04:  DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND TRANSPORTATION - Traffic Order - Bethesda.  REMOVE:  Permit Parking Only 9 AM - 6 PM Monday - Friday, Brookdale on the northeast side of Harrison St. from Andover Rd. to Murray Rd.; INSTALL:  Permit Parking Only 9 AM - 6PM, Monday - Friday Brookdale on northeast side of Harrison St. from Andover Rd. to Murray Rd.  Effective Date:  12/10/04.


MCEO 287-04:  DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND TRANSPORTATION - Traffic Order - Rockville.  INSTALL:  School Zone on Famland Dr. from Old Stage Rd. to Tilden Ln, Fines Double School Days 8 AM - 4 PM on Famland Dr. from Old Stage Rd. to Tilden Ln. Stop on Old Gate Ct. at Old Gate Rd., No U-Turn This Block for eastbound and westbound traffic on Old Gate Rd. from Farmland Dr. to Old Gate Ct., on Old Gate Rd. from Old Gate Ct. to Hitching Post Ln., No Stopping Any Time on north side of Old Gate Rd. from 35' east of Old Gate Ct. to 50' west of Old Gate Ct., No Stopping Any Time on both sides of Old Gate Ct. from 35' north of Old Gate Rd. to Old Gate Rd.  Effective Date:  12/13/04.


MCEO 288-04:  DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND TRANSPORTATION - Traffic Order - Wheaton/Glenmont.  REMOVE:  Permit Parking Only 9 AM - 6 PM Monday - Friday, Brookdale on northeast side of Harrison St. from Andover Rd. to Murray Rd.; INSTALL:  Permit Parking Only 9 AM - 6 PM Monday - Friday, Brookdale on northeast side of Harrison St. from Andover Rd. to Murray Rd.  Effective Date:  12/10/04.


MCEO 289-04:  DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND TRANSPORTATION - Traffic Order - Bethesda.  REMOVE:  No Parking Any Time on east side of Summit Ave. from Knowles Ave. to 140' north of Knowles Ave., from 220' north of Knowles Ave. to 285' north of Knowles Ave., INSTALL:  No Parking Any Time on east side of Summit Ave. from Knowles Ave. to extended north curb line of Brainard Ave.   Effective Date:  12/14/04.


MCEO 290-04:  DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND TRANSPORTATION - Traffic Order - Bethesda.  INSTALL:  Stop on southbound Laurel Oak Dr. at Carteret Rd.  Effective Date:  11/28/04.


MCEO 291-04:  DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND TRANSPORTATION - Traffic Order - Silver Spring.  RESCIND:  All parking regulations including traffic order 71-93 on east side of Roeder Rd. from Fenton St. to Spring St.; INSTALL:  No Standing Any Time on east side of Roeder Rd. from Fenton St. to 101' north of Fenton St., No Parking Except Montgomery County Police Vehicles on east side of Roeder Rd. from 101' north of Fenton St. to 252' north of same, Two-Hour Parking 9:00AM to 6:00PM Except Sunday on east side of Roeder Rd. from 252' north of Fenton St. to 510' north of Fenton St., from 574' north of Fenton St. to 613' north of same, No Parking Any Time on east side of Roeder Rd. from 510' north of Fenton St. to 574' north of same, from 613' north of Fenton St. to Spring St.,  Effective Date:  12/14/04.


MCEO 292-04:  DEPARTMENT OF PERMITTING SERVICES - Street Acceptance.  This order certifies that construction of the following named streets has been completed in accordance with all applicable provisions of the Montgomery County Road Construction Code as specified in the permit.  The materials used in the construction of these streets were tested and found to be in compliance with county specifications.  Greenel Road, (County View), King's Crossing Blvd., Ashmeade Rd., Broad Leaf Rd., Golden Hook Rd., County Meadow Rd. Broken Timber Way, Polynesian Ln. (Kings Crossing), Brook Point Way (Running Brook Acres).  Effective Date:  12/17/04.


MCEO 294-04:  DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND TRANSPORTATION - Traffic Order - Germantown.  INSTALL:  No Stopping Any Time on west side of Bromfield Rd. from extended north curb line of the driveway for the Matsunaga Elementary School student drop-off loop to 35' south of the extended south curb line of the driveway for Matsunaga Elementary School student drop off loop.  Effective Date:  12/20/04.


MCEO 295-04:  DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND TRANSPORTATION - Traffic Order- Bethesda.  No Parking Any Time on south side of Elsmere Ave. from 65' west of Corsica Dr. to 65' east of same.  Effective Date:  12/21/04.


MCEO 296-04:  DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND TRANSPORTATION - Acceptance of Option Contract with Philip S. Kang and Juliana K. Kang - Fairland Road Improvements, CIP Project No. 500402.  The option contract between Philip S. and Juliana K. Kang and Montgomery County Maryland for granting of easement for the project 500402 is accepted.  The county attorney is directed to take all necessary steps to acquire the easement.  Effective Date:  12/29/04.


MCEO 297-04:  OFFICE OF MANAGEMENT AND BUDGET - CIP Cost Criterion for Special Capital Improvements Projects FY06.  Section 20-1 of the Montgomery County Code titled "Authorization of Special Capital Improvements Projects by Law" effective Feb. 23, 1979, provides that non-emergency County Government capital improvements projects estimated to cost at least four million dollars must be approved by a law enacted by the County Council, prior to receiving further appropriation, and that the County Executive shall, by annual Executive Order revise the four million dollar cost criterion for all major facilities to reflect the annual change in the latest published composite construction cost index established by the US Department of Commerce.  Therefore the County Executive for Montgomery County, Maryland, establishes the cost criterion at $12,174,000, instead of the original $4,000,000, in accordance with Section 20-1 of the County Code for the FY05 Capital Budget and the Fiscal Years
05-10 Capital Improvements Program.  Effective Date:  12/28/04.


MCEO 298-04:  DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND TRANSPORTATION - Acceptance of Option Contract with Joseph T. Payne and Dorothy E. Payne, Norbeck Rd. Extended Project CIP Project No. 509321.  The option contract between Joseph T. Payne and Dorothy E. Payne and Montgomery County Maryland for the purchase of land for the Norbeck Rd. Extended Project, is hereby accepted.  The county attorney is directed to take all necessary steps to acquire the land.  Effective Date:  12/22/04


MCEO 299-04:  DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND TRANSPORTATION - Acceptance of Option Contract with La Fondation De L'Ecole Francaise International De Washington, North Bethesda Trail Project - CIP 509922.  The option contract between La Fondation De L'Ecole Francaise International De Washington and Montgomery County Maryland for granting of the Easement for the North Bethesda Trail project is accepted.  Effective Date:  12/23/04.


MCEO 300-04:  DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND TRANSPORTATION - Traffic Order - Rockville.  INSTALL:  School Zone on Travilah Rd. from property line of 14162/14170 Travilah Rd and the eastern property line of 14075 Travilah Rd., Fines Double School Days 7:30 AM - 6 PM on Travilah Rd. from property line of 14162/14170 Travilah Rd. and eastern property line of 14075 Travilah Rd.  Effective Date:  122804.


MCEO 301-04:  DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND TRANSPORTATION - Acceptance of Option Contract with Raymond Epote and Madeleine Epote - Fairland Road Improvements CIP Project No. 500402.  The option contract between Raymond Epote and Madeleine Epote and Montgomery County Maryland for the purchase of land and granting of easement for the Fairland Road Improvements Project is accepted.  The County attorney is hereby directed to take all necessary steps to acquire the land and easement.  Effective Date:  12/30/04.


MCEO 1-05:  DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND TRANSPORTATION - Liberty Mill Road (CIP #509036).  The county executive finds that public interest requires construction of a sidewalk in the public right-of-way located on west side of Liberty Mill Rd. from the Germantown MARC station to 19216 Liberty Mill Road in Germantown, MD, built under Capital Improvement Project 509036.  A public hearing was held on the project on Wednesday, October 6, 2004, and the hearing examiner recommended approval of the project.  The concrete sidewalk will be 4 feet wide, 1,000 linear feet long and will conform to the ADA requirements.  The existing roadway is 22 feet wide with curb and gutter and 5 feet of available public right-of-way on the west side of Liberty Mill Rd.  Every effort will be made to cause minimal disturbance within the public right-of-way during construction.  The cost of the project shall not exceed $38,500 and will be paid from funds appropriated for CIP 506747.  Effective Date:  1/06/05.


MCEO 2-05:  DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND TRANSPORTATION - Walden Road Sidewalk (CIP 509036.  The county executive finds that public interest requires construction of a sidewalk in the public right-of-way located on the east side of Walden Road from 9015 Walden Road to Wayne Ave. in Silver Spring, Maryland under Capital Improvement Project 509036.  A public hearing was held on the project on Wednesday, October 6, 2004, and the hearing examiner recommended approval of the project.  The concrete sidewalk will be four feet wide, 445 linear feet long and will conform to ADA requirements.  Walden Road is classified as a secondary residential roadway and has a 50 foot public right-of-way.  On-street parking is allowed on both sides of the roadway.  The cost for this project shall not exceed $15,070 and shall be made payable from funds appropriated for CIP No. 509036.  Effective Date:  1/06/05.


MCEO 3-05:  DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND TRANSPORTATION - Persimmon Tree Road Sidewalk (CIP 506747).  The county executive finds that public interest requires construction of a sidewalk in the public right-of-way located on the west side of Persimmon Tree Road from Holly Leaf Lane to MacArthur Blvd. located in Potomac, Maryland, and built under Capital Improvement Project 506747.  A public hearing was held on the project on Wednesday, October 6, 2004, and the hearing examiner recommended approval of the project.  The concrete sidewalk will be 8 feet wide, 5,500 linear feet long and will conform to ADA requirements.  Persimmon Tree Road is classified as an arterial roadway and has a variable width public right of way.  The existing roadway is approximately 20 feet wide with 20 feet of available public right-of-way on the west side.  The construction costs shall not exceed $147,500 and shall be made payable from funds appropriated for CIP No. 506747.  Effective Date:  1/06/05.


MCEO 4-05:  DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND TRANSPORTATION - Stedwick Road (CIP #509036).  The county executive finds that public interest requires construction of a sidewalk in the public right-of-way located on the north side of Stedwick Rd. from Watkins Mill Rd. to the existing sidewalk located approximately 900' west of Watkins Mill Rd. in Gaithersburg, Maryland, under Capital Improvement Project 509036.  A public hearing was held on the project on Wednesday, October 6, 2004, and the hearing examiner recommended approval of the project.  The sidewalk will be 5 feet wide, 900 linear feet long, and will conform to the ADA requirements.  Stedwick Road is classified as a primary residential roadway and has a 70 foot public right-of-way..  The construction costs shall not exceed $29,700 and shall be made payable from funds appropriated for CIP No. 509036.  Effective Date:  1/06/05.


MCEO 5-05:  DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND TRANSPORTATION - Hampden Lane Sidewalk (CIP 506747).  The county executive finds that public interest requires construction of a sidewalk in the public right-of-way located on the north side of Hampden Lane from Denton Road to Exeter Road in Bethesda, Maryland, and built under Capital Improvement Project 506747. A public hearing was held on the project on Wednesday, October 6, 2004, and the hearing examiner recommended approval of the project.  The concrete sidewalk will be four feet wide, 340 linear feet long and will conform to the ADA requirements.  Hampden Lane is classified as a closed section secondary residential roadway and has a 50 foot public right-of-way.  The existing roadway is approximately 20 feet wide and on-street parking is allowed on the south side of the roadway.  The expenditures for this project shall not exceed $14,850 and shall be made payable from funds appropriated for CIP No. 506747.  Effective Date:  1/06/05.


MCEO 6-05:  DEPARTMENT OF PERMITTING SERVICES - Street Acceptance.  This order certifies that construction of the following named streets has been completed in accordance with all applicable provisions of the Montgomery County Road Construction Code as specified in the permit.  The materials used in the construction of these streets were tested and found to be in compliance with county specifications.  Streets completed are:  Black Gold Way, Foolish Pleasure Road (Hoyles Mill Village), Gaithers Meadow Lane, Patuxent View Ct, Denit Estates Drive (east)(4),Eagle Ridge Court., Pretty Penny Court (Denit Estates)Celebration Way, Town Commons Dr., (Churchill Town Sector).  Effective Date:  12/17/04.


MCEO 7-05:  DEPARTMENT OF PERMITTING SERVICES - Street Acceptance.  This order certifies that construction of the following named streets has been completed in accordance with all applicable provisions of the Montgomery County Road Construction Code as specified in the permit.  The materials used in the construction of these streets were tested and found to be in compliance with county specifications.  Streets completed are:  Blackwell Road (Decoverly Hall South), Century
Boulevard (Century XXI), Locbury Drive (Churchill Town Sector), Black Kettle Drive, Leaman Farm Road (Hoyles Mill Village), Marlow Farm Drive, Marlow Farm Terrace (Marlow Farm), Dellabrooke Farm Lane (East), Dellabrooke Farm Lane (West), Dellabrooke Farm Way (Dellabrooke Forest).  Effective Date:  1/10/05.


MCEO 8-05:  DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND TRANSPORTATION - Traffic Order - Bethesda. RESCIND all parking regulations from traffic order 88-85 on both sides of Royal Dominion Dr. from River Rd. to Jensen Pl., on Jensen Place at Royal Dominion Dr.; INSTALL: No Parking Any Time on northwest side of Royal Dominion Dr. from River Rd. to Jensen Pl., on southeast side of Royal Dominion Dr. from 125' southwest of River Rd. to River Rd., No Parking School Days 7AM - 4PM on southeast side of Royal Dominion Dr. from 375' southwest of River Rd. to 125' southwest of River Rd., Stop on Jensen Pl. so as to require southeastbound traffic to stop at Royal Dominion Dr.  Effective Date:  12/03/05.


MCEO 9-05:  DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND TRANSPORTATION - Traffic order - Rockville.  INSTALL:  Yield on westbound Palatine Dr. at Greenbriar Rd., on northbound Greenbriar Rd. at Centurion Dr.  Effective Date:  1/05/05.


MCEO 11-05:  DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND TRANSPORTATION - Muncaster Road Improvements (CIP 509943).  The county executive finds that public interest requires the construction and improvement of Muncaster Road, a public way located within the Upper Rock Creek Planning Area, and the director of the Department of Public Works and Transportation is hereby authorized to proceed with the construction of:  1) reconstruction of the Muncaster Road bridge over Rock Creek utilizing existing abutments and foundations using new supporting steel beams and new concrete deck; 2) geometric improvement and reconstruction of Muncaster Road using bituminous concrete paving from Hollingsworth Dr. to 500 feet east of the Agricultural Farm Park entrance road (approximately 3,500 feet, 3) construction of open channel and enclosed pipe drainage system improvements for better removal of storm water runoff from the roadway surface and the surrounding properties.  A public hearing was held on Wednesday, September 15, 2004, and the hearing examiner recommended approval of the project.  Unless otherwise approved, expenditures authorized by this order, shall not exceed $3,450,000 payable from funds approved for CIP Project No. 509943.  Effective Date:  1/13/05.


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