
Information You Should Know. Misinformation about coronavirus can create fear and hurt people. The best source for information is Montgomery County’s COVID-19 website and the CDC COVID-19 website.

Coronavirus (COVID-19) started in Wuhan, China. That is geography. Having Chinese ancestry –– or any other ancestry –– does not make a person more vulnerable to this illness. Wearing a mask will not prevent uninfected people from being infected. They are designed to reduce the capacity for infected people to infect others. Wearing a mask does not mean a person is ill. People wear masks for a variety of reasons, including to avoid pollen and air pollution and for cultural and social reasons. We should not judge someone for wearing a mask or assume they are sick. Coronavirus doesn’t recognize race, nationality, or ethnicity. If you experience discrimination or any act of intimidation, contact Montgomery County’s Office of Human Rights at 240-777-8450. Bigotry is not acceptable. We are stronger when we stand together.

Stigma and COVID-19

We have been vigilant regarding any hate crimes or bias incidents that may have occurred since the onset of the COVID-19 crisis. There is bias against many groups of people for many reasons, so we urge all our communities to stay vigilant, and report these incidents. CDC information regarding reducing stigma surrounding COVID-19.

COVID-19 and Housing

COVID-19: Consumer Protection Information

While Coronavirus health concerns are paramount, there are also financial safety issues related to COVID-19. Montgomery County Council President Sidney Katz sat down with Office of Consumer Protection Director Eric Friedman to discuss consumer scams related to COVID-19. Watch the Office of Consumer Protection's Consumer Scams video for more information . Special thanks to Council President Sidney Katz, and production team: Susan Kenedy & Mike Springirth.