Leaf Blowers

Important Dates

July 1, 2024: Sales of gas-powered leaf blowers and vacuums banned.
July 1, 2025: Use of gas-powered leaf blowers and vacuums banned.

no gas-powered leaf removal equipmentMontgomery County passed legislation to address the environmental, noise, and health concerns related to gas-powered leaf blowers and leaf vacuums. Effective July 1, 2025, the use of handheld, backpack, and walk-behind gas-powered leaf removal equipment is banned in Montgomery County. To help residents and businesses comply with the law, the County will offer rebates on the purchase of new electric leaf blowers.

After July 1, 2025, the penalties for use of banned equipment is $500 per violation.

Who is affected?

The law applies to private property, commercial property, local government and Montgomery County government. The law does not apply to Montgomery County Public Schools and Montgomery Parks, which are managed by the state of Maryland.

What are the benefits?

The County's ban on gas-powered leaf blowers reduces harmful air emissions and continued reliance on fossil fuels. It also lessens health impacts that contribute to hearing loss, cardiovascular and respiratory disease and other health issues.