Montgomery Serves Awards honoring those who serve

Nominations for the Montgomery Serves Awards, our County's highest honor for volunteerism, are now open!

These annual awards recognize individuals, businesses, and groups that have demonstrated remarkable commitment to direct volunteer service in our community.

Please submit nominations to recognize those who have performed outstanding volunteer service in 2023, or those 60 years and more who have performed a lifetime of volunteer service.


Volunteer of the Year

for an individual, in recognition of volunteer service performed in 2024

Nominate an Individual

Youth Volunteer of the Year

for a volunteer age 18 or younger, for service in 2024

Nominate a Youth

Volunteer Group of the Year

for a group or team of two or more people who volunteered together on the same project(s) in 2024

Nominate a Group

Business Volunteer of the Year

for community service by a corporation in 2024

Nominate a Business

Neal Potter Path of Achievement Award

presented to two residents, age 60 and up, in honor of their lifetime of volunteer service

Nominate a Lifetime Volunteer

Inez and Harvey Zeigler Humanitarian Award

honoring individuals who unite all people for positive change

Nominate a Humanitarian


Selection Guidelines

  • Nominations will be evaluated based on volunteer service performed in 2024 (or throughout the nominee’s lifetime for the Neal Potter Path of Achievement Award) as detailed in the nomination narrative.
  • Narrative responses are limited to 1,000 words.
  • Nominees must live, work, or serve in Montgomery County. If the nominee does not live in Montgomery County, the Nominees' service must benefit residents or a nonprofit organization located in Montgomery County. 
  • Nominees’ volunteer service must have been performed outside the context of their paid employment (i.e., it cannot be part of their job).
  • Nominees cannot be nominated for their financial contributions.
  • Past winners are ineligible to win in the same category.
Nominators will be notified of their nominees’ status once all honorees have been selected.

Nominations must use the appropriate nomination forms and be submitted online no later than Friday, April 11, 2025.

Questions? Email or call the Montgomery County Volunteer Center at 240-777-2600.