Contact Us
Contact Information
Email Address: elections@montgomerycountymd.govMailing Address: PO Box 4333 Rockville, MD 20849-4333
Office Telephone: 240-777-8500
24 Hour Voter Information: 240-777-VOTE (8683)
Absentee Office Fax: 240-777-8560
Absentee Email Address:
Election Judge Recruitment/Training Fax: 1-800-777-8578
Future Vote Initiative Fax: 240-777-8632
MD Relay (711): 1-800-735-2258
Voter Registration Fax: 240-777-8600
Voter Registration Email Address:
Visiting Board of Elections
- 18753 North Frederick Avenue, Suite 210, Gaithersburg, MD 20879
- Map, Parking & Directions
- Accessible Parking and Building
- 8:30 am - 5 pm, Monday through Friday
- Elections Calendar (including Holidays)
Need Help?
MC311 Customer Service Center is Montgomery County’s source for non-emergency government information and services. You can reach MC311 Monday-Friday 7am – 7pm. If you are in Montgomery County, then dial 311. If you are outside of Montgomery County, then dial 240-777-0311.