Gabe is a lifelong resident of Montgomery County and is deeply committed to the County, its people, and, as the son of immigrant parents, its diversity. He graduated from Montgomery County Public Schools and has dedicated his career to public service and advocating for just social policies.

He graduated from Walt Whitman High School, received his Bachelor of Arts in Communication from the University of Maryland, and earned his MBA from The Johns Hopkins University.

About Gabe

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Health and Human Services (HHS) (Chair)

Jurisdiction: The Department of Health and Human Services and all associated issues and organizations and Office of Human Rights.

Education & Culture (EC)

Jurisdiction: Issues relating to Montgomery County Public Schools, Montgomery College, Montgomery Coalition for Adult English Literacy, Arts and Humanities Council, Libraries, and Community use of Public Facilities.

At Large Map

Map of Montgomery County with Council Districts

Residents of Montgomery County are represented by eleven Councilmembers. Gabe is one of four that are elected at-large by all the voters of the County. The other seven members of the Council are elected by the voters of their respective council districts.

According to the US Census Bureau’s 2015 Population Estimates, Montgomery County had a population of 1,040,116 persons as of July 1, 2015. The County is located adjacent to the nation's capital, Washington, D.C., and includes 497 square miles of land area.

FIND YOUR COUNCIL MEMBER: Use the interactive Council District map to find your Councilmanic District or Councilmember.

Video Guide: Find Your Representatives on the Council

Email All Councilmembers