Councilmember Marilyn Balcombe is a strong advocate for her community. Having lived in the Upcounty for nearly 30 years, Marilyn is not afraid to roll up her sleeves and do the hard work of community building.

Prior to joining the County Council, Marilyn was the President/CEO of the Gaithersburg-Germantown Chamber of Commerce. As the CEO of the Chamber, Marilyn was actively involved in land use planning, transportation and economic development. She has worked with thousands of businesses, large and small to help create a vibrant local economy.

About Marilyn

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Economic Development (ECON)

Jurisdiction: Alcohol Beverage Services, Agritourism, Conference and Visitors Bureau, Economic Development, Incubator Programs, MCEDC, Permitting Services, Revenue Authority, Small Business Advancement Team, Telecommunications and Technology (Office of Broadband Programs, Digital Equity, FiberNet programs), Urban Districts/BIDs, Worksource

Transportation & Environment (TE) Committee

Climate change, energy policy, water and sewer issues and the Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission; issues relating to environmental protection and conservation, including forest conservation; and solid waste, County infrastructure issues including public transportation, roadway and street construction and maintenance.

About District 2

map of District 2 includes Barnesville, Boyds, Comus, Damascus and Hyattstown, Germantown and Clarksburg

Marilyn Balcombe represents District 2. Use the  interactive Council District map, to view the areas the district includes.

FIND YOUR COUNCIL MEMBER: Use the interactive Council District map to find your Councilmanic District or Councilmember.

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