
The Community Engagement Cluster (CEC) works to build stronger, more informed and inclusive communities. The Cluster is responsible for strengthening Montgomery County’s commitment to civic engagement and community service by engaging residents, organizations, businesses and other interest groups in our communities. The Cluster maximizes our communities’ assets – time, talents, and other resources – working collaboratively to address and resolve community issues.

The new Cluster is a combination of the five Regional Services Centers, four Urban Districts, the Commission for Women, and the Office of Community Partnerships, including the Gilchrist Center and the Volunteer Center, that has been operating as one unit since July 1st, 2011. As a cluster, these offices/functions have combined facilities, resources, and support staff while retaining staff expertise and experience, as well as most of the objectives of the separate entities involved.

Grants & Solicitations

There are no open solicitations at this time.

County Executive's Customer Service Commitment

Montgomery County Government is committed to providing exceptional service to our many diverse communities, residents and businesses. I encourage you to contact me if you feel that you have not received excellent service, or have compliments or other comments related to the service you received from your county government.
-Marc Elrich, Montgomery County Executive
Send email to County Executive Marc Elrich