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To Testify
County Executive submits proposed Capital Improvements Program (CIP) and capital budget to the Council
CIP public hearings are scheduled in early February.
County Executive submits proposed operating budget to the Council
Operating Budget public hearings are scheduled in early April.
Council must take final action on the budget no later than June 1.
Each new fiscal year begins
Budget Update
On May 23, 2024, the Council voted to approve the County’s $7.1 billion Fiscal Year (FY) 2025 Operating Budget and the $5.94 billion FY25-30 Capital Improvements Program (CIP) to fund school construction, infrastructure improvements and community projects. The FY25 Operating Budget represents a five percent increase compared to the FY24 Operating Budget.
“Putting together a fiscally sound budget that meets the needs of Montgomery County’s nearly 1.1 million residents is the ultimate balancing act,” said Council President Andrew Friedson. “Like residents across Montgomery County who create household budgets, the Council had to make difficult choices with finite resources, especially as we sought to increase funding for public education. With an unprecedented level of community engagement throughout this deliberative process, the Council has produced a budget that meets today’s needs and makes strategic investments for Montgomery County’s future so we can strengthen our social safety net and maintain our high quality of life.
“We are adding significant additional resources for Montgomery County Public Schools by funding 99.2 percent of the Board of Education’s request without raising taxes or increasing the County’s debt, while maintaining our reserve levels above 10.8 percent, and providing the necessary flexibility to respond to potential fiscal emergencies in the months ahead.
“Like all budgets before us, this year brought its own set of challenges and opportunities. Faced with tough choices, we worked strategically to increase our commitment to public schools, our hardworking employees and our nonprofit service providers.
“I appreciate each of my Council colleagues for the purposeful way we conducted our work, the County Executive and his staff for their budget recommendations, and the County residents who expressed their views.”
The budget provides funding to increase ongoing investments in education, public safety, health and human services and affordable housing. Resources are also included to combat climate change and boost economic growth. These priorities are funded while providing more competitive salaries for Montgomery County employees and nonprofit providers and honoring the County’s long-term commitments to retired employees with $59.1 million provided for Other Post Employment Benefits. The Council continues to reinforce the County’s financial stewardship by funding the County’s reserves at 10.8 percent.
The Council also held the line on property taxes. The FY25 weighted tax rate remains static at $1.0255 per $100 of assessed value and includes $0.0470 per $100 that is dedicated to Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS). Additionally, homeowners will continue to receive a $692 property tax credit that includes a degree of progressivity since lower-valued properties will receive a greater reduction in property taxes.
The capital and operating budgets go into effect on July 1. View Council President Friedson's remarks on the FY25 budget. In addition, watch the Council’s May 16 straw vote on the budget and watch the Council's final budget vote.
Snapshots of the Operating and Capital Budgets

This image provides an visual overview of the Montgomery County FY25-30 Capital Improvements Program.
View the Image View the CIP Snapshot

This image provides a visual overview of the Montgomery County Fiscal Year 2025 Operating Budget.
View the Image View the Operating Budget Snapshot

Open Budget
Online budget publications covering all County departments, agencies and projects allowing users to visualize budgets and spending.
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Interactive Fiscal Plan
Online tool that allows users to input alternative assumptions into the Fiscal Plan and to explore alternative approaches to balancing the budget.
More Information More Information Interactive Fiscal Plan