Benchmark Property in Portfolio Manager

DEP requires the use of ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager to enter and report data each year.

Method 1: Do-It-Yourself Benchmarking

Portfolio Manager is built to be user-friendly and accessible for in-house staff to benchmark their buildings. In many cases, ENERGY STAR has found accounting, operations, and building management staff are entering data into Portfolio Manager. If you choose to Do-It-Yourself, below are some helpful tools to guide you.

Portfolio Manager Resources

  • Official Guide:  DEP has put together a comprehensive, set-by-step guide for complying with the Building Energy Benchmarking Law in Montgomery County, which includes background information, clarifying instructions, and details about reporting benchmarking data to the County. Please review the Montgomery County Building Energy Benchmarking HOW-TO GUIDE (PDF, 2.94 MB) for full instructions on how to report. 
  • EPA maintains a number of How-To Guides on various topics, including: 
    • Portfolio Manager Quick Start Guide offers the basics to setting up your Portfolio Manager account, including adding your property, entering your energy data, and seeing your results.
    • Data Collection Worksheet to lookup the data needed to benchmark your property in Portfolio Manager.  Additionally you can create a PDF with this information that you can use as a data collection worksheet.
    • Details on Entering Your Utility Bill Data walks you through the steps to set up a meter and correctly enter data, add data to an existing meter, complete spreadsheet uploads, and information on Web Services (automated benchmarking).
  • Portfolio Manager Trainings offers both live and recorded webinars, written and video tutorials, and how-to’s for specific functions of the software.
  • Portfolio Manager Technical Support offers expert advice and guidance on how to benchmark your building(s) in Portfolio Manager.

Method 2: Hire an Energy Service Company to Benchmark

Benchmarking is a common and regular practice for any energy efficiency or conservation project. Montgomery County and the region are home to many energy service companies that offer an array of services to help you manage your energy use. Many of these same companies are experienced in benchmarking and can help you benchmark your building.

What to Look for in an Energy Service Company: DEP cannot endorse a particular company or business, but we recommend asking a few companies about their experience for benchmarking, data verification, their ability to help deliver energy savings, and other services they offer. You can ask for quotes from multiple companies, and they may be able to help you benchmark, and access to improve your building's energy performance. 
 Where to Look for an Energy Service Company: DEP does not endorse a particular company or business, but we can direct you to existing lists of energy service companies that do similar work.