Get DEP Newsletters
List of newsletters by various topic areas.
- Montgomery County Climate News - (Monthly) News and updates about the County's climate and resiliency efforts.
- Commercial Energy News - (Monthly) Information about the County's Benchmarking Law, Commercial PACE financing program, and general green building news and events.
- Montgomery County Electric Vehicle Purchasing Co-op News - (Monthly) Updates on the EVPC and other EV-related programs in Montgomery County.
- Montgomery Power Line - (Monthly) Updates on energy happenings and stories in the County.
Green Living and Events
- My Green Montgomery - (Monthly) News and updates for living a green life in Montgomery County.
Recycling, Trash, and Waste Reduction
- Facilities – changes to hours of operation - Choose email or text messages, or both!
- Recycling and Trash collection service updates and reminders - Choose email or text messages, or both!
Multi-Family and Commercial
- SORRT Newsletter for Non-residential recycling
- TRRAC Newsletter for Multi-Family Recycling
- Commercial Food Scraps Recycling
Community News
- Civic Loop Newsletter - Promotes recycling through community leadership.
- Expanded Polystyrene Ban news and updates
- Rainscapes Gazette - (Quarterly) Learn about upcoming Rainscapes events, trainings and related news.
- RainScapes Landscape Professionals Gazette (Quarterly)
- Stormwater Maintenance e-Newsletter (Quarterly)
Lawn Care
- Lawn Care e-news (Monthly)