Retail Requirements

Retailers may still sell any pesticide licensed for distribution and use by the State of Maryland, regardless of County restrictions. We encourage all retailers in the County to reduce or remove products such as weed and feeds which can no longer be used, and designate areas for display of products that are organic or minimum-risk.

All products must be registered with the State of Maryland for sale and use.

The County cannot endorse products but annually checks for products registered by the State Chemist for use in Maryland. This may not be a comprehensive list: Lawn Care Pesticides Compatible with Organic Use (PDF)

We recommend you do not order products online unless you have researched that the product can be sold and used in Maryland. 

Check the “Registered Product Reports” as the list changes annually.

Retailers will be required to display signage where prohibited pesticides are sold informing buyers of the County law and identifies pest control options permissible for lawn applications under the law.

The County is currently developing signs for retailers, and will make them available as soon as possible. Check back here for files and materials.

How to report a violation

If you suspect a violation of the pesticide law, call 311 (in County) or 240-777-0311 or submit a report online.

Include in your report

  • the date and time of the violation,
  • any information on the pesticide used or the applicator,
  • and the address.



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