Quarries in Montgomery County
Quarries operating within Montgomery County are required to operate under State and County issued permits and licenses. The State Code pertaining to quarries is COMAR Chapter 26.21.01 . Surface Mining. The County Code pertaining to quarries is Code of Montgomery County Regulations, Chapter 38. Quarries.
County Quarries
Tri-State Stone
Tri-State Stone began operation in 1926 and produces dimension natural stone products for residential construction. The Tri-State Stone Quarry qualifies as a Minor Quarry because the property is less than 50 acres and ships less than 400 tons of extracted materials per day.
Tri-State Stone License:
- License Certificate (PDF)
- 2025 Quarry License Renewal Application Documents (PDF)
- 2024 Annual Certification Documents (PDF)
- 2024 Annual Certification Letter (PDF)
Comments or questions can be submitted to quarrylicense@montgomerycountymd.gov
Map of Tri-State Property and Surrounding Area
Holcim Mid-Atlantic Travilah Quarry
The property began operation in 1955 as the Hunting Hill Quarry. Over the years it has also been known as the Rockville Crushed Stone Quarry and Bardon Inc. Quarry, and is now called the Holcim Mid-Atlantic Travilah Quarry. The quarry produces much of the aggregate used in construction for the National Capital Region.
The first step in breaking down the rock for processing into aggregate is the use of controlled detonation of explosives, commonly referred to as "shots." Mining occurs about 11 months of the year and on average there are around 60 shots per year (roughly two shots per week). The mining operation shuts down for winter maintenance but hauling of stockpiled processed aggregate can continue through winter shutdown.
Each shot is monitored by a second party contractor for ground vibration at four separate locations around the quarry property shown by the green dots on the map above. Blasting at the quarry is conducted by a blasting contractor. Shots are electronically initiated to maximize the efficiency of the rock fracturing and minimize the adverse effects of ground vibration.
In addition to mining stone and producing aggregate the quarry property also contains a ready-mix concrete plant and hot-mix asphalt plant. The concrete and asphalt plants operate under separate specific permits and licenses issued by the Maryland Department of the Environment.
In 2004, the Department designated Shady Grove Road, between Piney Meetinghouse Road and Darnestown Road as the exclusive haul route for truck traffic to and from the Holcim Mid-Atlantic Quarry.
Holcim Mid-Atlantic License:- License Certificate (PDF)
- License Documents - October 6, 2022 (PDF)
- 2025 Annual Certification Documents (PDF)
- 2024 Annual Certification Letter (PDF)
Comments or questions can be submitted to quarrylicense@montgomerycountymd.gov

The Holcim Mid-Atlantic Travilah Quarry and Surrounding Area
Quarry Licenses
County Quarry Licenses are valid for three years and license holders must submit annual certification documents confirming they are in compliance with the Montgomery County Quarry Ordinance (Chapter 38).
Quarry license renewals, which occurs every third year, are advertised in the Montgomery Sentinel. Also, a copy of the renewal submission packet is placed at a local library for public review. The public has an opportunity to appear and testify at a scheduled public hearing and/or submit comments in writing to the Department of Environmental Protection.
Quarry license annual certifications, which occur on the first and second anniversaries of the license issuance date, are advertised in the Montgomery Sentinel. The public has an opportunity to review the documents and submit written comments on the completeness of the certification for 14 days after publication of a notice. On request of an interested party during the 14-day comment period, the Department will conduct an information meeting to receive public comments upon the completeness and accuracy of the certification submittal documents.
The Department will send a written copy of any published notice to each civic organization in the area around the quarry boundary that has given the Department a written request to receive such notices.
Links to copies of current Quarry License Certificates and pending license renewal and annual certification documents are provided above. In addition, there are links for submittal of written comments.