What does my Montgomery County-provided recycling service include?

Return to Recycling and Trash Service for single-family homes

mixed paper and card board recycling cart, 22-gallon blue recycling bin, and yard waste in paper yard waste bagIf you receive recycling collection from Montgomery County, your service includes once-a-week, curbside collection of

Place all recyclables at the curb by 7 am on your recycling day. All items for collection must be placed directly at the curb, or unobstructed on your property, within 10 feet of the curb.

All materials collected at the curb are also accepted daily at the Shady Grove Processing Facility and Transfer Station.

What is my collection schedule?

We collect recyclables once a week from the curb. Look up your recycling collection day.

Adjustments to the collection schedule are made for nine holidays each year. The schedule is adjusted only if the actual (not the observed) holiday falls on a collection day. See the holiday schedule.

How do I recycle appliances?

Appliances are picked up on your collection day through the County's scrap metal recycling program. There is no fee for this service. Scrap metal pickups must be scheduled in advance of your collection day. See scrap metal recycling details.

How do I recycle electronic items and household batteries?

Montgomery County is expanding its single-family residential curbside recycling program to include the on-call recycling collection of electronic items and household alkaline and rechargeable batteries. This service is being phased-in and will be available to all County residents who receive County-provided recycling collection services by December 1, 2025. Please do not call MC311 to schedule an on-call recycling of electronic items and batteries until you receive notification in the mail. Residents are reminded that electronics and batteries should never be placed in curbside recycling bins or mixed with regular trash, as doing so could pose a fire risk or interfere with safe processing.

What is the schedule on County closure and bad weather days?

County-provided collection is suspended when the County government is closed. If collection is suspended due to County government closure or snow or severe weather, your recycling will be picked up the next day or as soon as possible. Please leave your items at the curb until collection occurs.

For collection status updates: