Public Property

Stormwater facilities on public property are inspected and maintained by Montgomery County inspectors and maintenance contractors directly. County-owned properties include areas like fire stations, police stations, regional centers, libraries, etc. The county is responsible for all structural and non-structural maintenance of facilities at these sites. Regular maintenance projects on county-owned property include things like dredging projects, slip lining for pipes, and vegetation management.
In addition to the county owned properties this group also maintains 8 dams and 2 levees as part of the county’s Dam Safety Program as well as hundreds of ESD facilities at government agencies and along roadways.
Environmental Site Design (ESD)

Environmental Site Design (ESD) is a stormwater practice where the stormwater is treated directly on the property being developed using smaller scale practices integrated throughout the site, mimicking natural hydrology of the area. ESD practices can be vegetated, such as micro bioretention, rain gardens, and tree boxes, or non-vegetated such as dry wells and pervious pavement. ESD practices can be on both private and public properties.
The DEP ESD Public maintenance program is responsible for maintaining hundreds of ESD practices located on public property, County-owned property and in the right of way (ROW). County-owned properties include areas like fire stations, police stations, regional centers, libraries, etc. and Green Streets which are smaller practices located in the (ROW) in specific neighborhoods. Maintenance of these practices includes routine weeding, sediment/debris/trash removal and seasonal vegetation management. New ESD public practices are continually being added to the program and require regular maintenance by the County.
For more information, please check out the Virtual training for ESD maintenance.
Public Property Work Flow
County Owned Properties
ESD practice is permitted by Department of Permitting Services and installed by other County agency (such as at Fire & Rescue).
Public ESD Program
DEP hires a contractor through a request for proposal (RFP) to perform regular maintenance.
Hiring a contractor
Contractor does structural and non-structural maintenance of the facility.
DAM Safety Program
County does structural, non-structural maintenance, and EAP. Learn about the Dam Safety Program.