Multi-Family and Non-Residential Properties

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You may reduce your WQPC amount. Use the WQPC forms to

  • apply for a credit
  • submit an appeal
  • request to combine accounts for adjoining properties

Applications, submissions, and requests are due September 30.

Multi-family residential property: where one or more dwelling units share a common entrance from the outside with other dwelling units that are arranged above, below or next to one another in the same building. It is any housing unit subject to the condominium regime established under the Maryland Condominium Act.

Non-residential properties: commercial properties such as office buildings, hotels, retail establishments or industrial properties such as factories and warehouses. Also, properties owned by homeowner associations, not-for-profit entities such as religious institutions, healthcare facilities, other developed properties devoted to non-governmental charitable and institutional uses, and any government-owned properties subject to the WQPC.

The WQPC is determined with this formula

Water Quality Protection Charge for a property = (Total square feet of impervious area / ERU) * Rate

See rate and impervious surface details.

See the WQPC calculation for your property. This includes the aerial image used to determine your charge.

Impervious area for multi-family properties

The total impervious area for the entire property is divided equally by the number of owners within the property boundary. For example, if there are 8 condo owners within a property, the total impervious area for the entire property is divided by 8.

The WQPC for each condo owner is their portion of the impervious surface area added to the WQPC formula.

Impervious area for non-residential properties

The impervious surface area for non-residential properties includes all buildings, parking lots, sidewalks, and any other impermeable installations permanently attached to the property containing those installations.

WQPC calculation examples

Property examples

Pervious and impervious surfaces for multi-family properties. Details are in text on this page.
Pervious and impervious surfaces for nonresidential properties. Details are in text on this page.

You may reduce your charge

Stormwater Management Credit

See the Water Quality Protection Charge Credit Procedures Manual (PDF).

Multi-family residential and nonresidential property owners can participate in the WQPC Credit Program and receive a reduction of

  • up to 60%, based on the volume of water treated by a combination of environmental site design and other stormwater management systems, or
  • up to 80%, based on the volume of water treated, if the property is completely treated by environmental site design practices.

Additional credits can be achieved for offsite stormwater treatment.

The credit is based on the volume of water captured.

Stormwater management practices can be installed on the grounds, and reduce the charge for each property owner in the condominium regime.

Stormwater management practices are landscaping techniques or structures that help reduce stormwater runoff, prevent stream damage and flooding and erosion. Some practices even beautify your property!

Types of stormwater management practices eligible for credit include:

Do you have a stormwater management practice on your property?

Yes, my practice is registered with the County!

You can apply for a credit. A credit is a reduction off your annual WQPC.

A condominium regime (condo association) only needs to complete one application. If the stormwater practice applies to all property owners within the condominium, you must include a list of tax accounts qualified for the credit.

The property owner must maintain stormwater management practices in accordance with the maintenance requirements of the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP).

No, but I want to.

The RainScapes program works with property owners to install stormwater management practices like rain gardens, conservation landscaping and green roofs. You could even receive financial incentives!

I'm not sure.

Your property may have practices that were installed by a previous owner or during construction. If you have a garden on your property, it might be a RainScape.

Search your address to see if you already have a practice registered with the County.

Search our map to see if your property has stormwater management facilities registered with the County.

Appeals and Contiguous Single Owner Properties


If a property owner believes that the WQPC was assigned or calculated incorrectly, they may petition the Director of the Department of Environmental Protection for an adjustment by submitting a written request, using the appeal form.

Within 60 days after receiving the appeal petition, the Director will

  • review the WQPC assigned to the property and
  • make a written determination of whether the property owner's request for an adjustment of the charge should be granted or denied.

Requests to combine adjoining properties

Property owners can apply for combining contiguous single-owner property accounts into one. Contiguous properties have no separation, such as a road, between properties.

If the property spans multiple tax accounts, you can appeal to have the separate accounts combined into one for the purposes of calculating the WQPC.

Petition the Director of the Department of Environmental Protection for an adjustment by submitting a written request, using the online appeals form.


Call MC311 (311 in the County or 240-777-0311, 711 for MD Relay TTY) or create a service request.