Hearing Schedules
Application Hearing Schedule
The following provides information on the current or most recent administrative delegation and County Council hearing groups. The administrative groups start immediately below and the County Council follows thereafter.
Current Administrative Correction Packet
DEP has one correction action in progress, AD 2025-A Administrative Correction Packet (PDF), to be completed in January 2025.
Administrative category correction actions involve an interagency review process, but typically do not require a public hearing, as specified in Chapter 1 of the Water and Sewer Plan, Section V.D.2.c., page 1-73 (PDF).
Current Administrative Delegation Review Packet
AD 2025-2 Administrative Packet (PDF)
The purpose of an administrative hearing is for DEP to receive comments from the requested applicants on the staff recommendation, and to receive comments from citizens and organizations that may be affected by the proposed amendments.
DEP has scheduled a virtual public hearing on three category change requests included in Administrative Delegation group AD 2025-2 for Wednesday, March 26, 2025, at 10 am. The hearing will be held by teleconference. Notices for the hearing required that individuals wanting to participate in the hearing contact DEP to receive instructions (timothy.williamson@montgomerycountymd.gov or 202-579-3116).
The hearing record will remain open for written testimony until 5 pm on Wednesday, March 26, 2025. All written testimony concerning this proposed action must be received by DEP by that time. Email written testimony to timothy.williamson@montgomerycountymd.org or call Mr. Williamson at 202-579-3116 for further instructions.
Following the closing of the public hearing record, and after receiving comments from the Montgomery County Planning Board and the County Council, the director of DEP will act on the proposed amendments. (See the link provided above.) DEP will send a notice of this action to the applicants, to those of you providing written testimony, and to the Maryland Department of the Environment. DEP will also send this notice to the County Council, the Planning Board, the Maryland - National Capital Park and Planning Commission (M-NCPPC), and WSSC Water.
The State of Maryland has sixty days to review and comment on the Director's action. During the State's review period, applicants may pursue development plans based on the outcome of this administrative action, including contacting WSSC Water to request water and/or sewer service. Pending concurrence from MDE, the applicants may proceed with their plans at their own risk.
This administrative hearing will include the following map and text amendments:
- WSCCR 25-CLO-02A: 3 Porter Ct., Ashton; request S-1 (public sewer service)
- WSCCR 25-CLO-03A: 17821 Porter Ct., Ashton; request S-1 (public sewer service)
- WSCCR 25-TRV-03A: 12100 Glen Mill Rd., Potomac; request S-1 (public sewer service)
View the DEP staff report, with recommendations for each request, using the link at the top of this section.
DEP Public Hearing Schedule
Date/Time: Wednesday, March 26, 2025, at 10 am
Location: Teleconference – Please contact timothy.williamson@montgomerycountymd.gov for instructions to join the hearing.
DEP expects to close the hearing record at 5 pm on April 2, 2025. All written testimony must be received by DEP by the specified date and time. Please submit written testimony to:
- Jon Monger, Director, DEP; 2425 Reedie Drive, 4th Floor, Wheaton, MD 20902, or;
- Tim Williamson at timothy.williamson@montgomerycountymd.gov.
Planning Board Hearing and Work Session
The County Planning Board will consider M-NCPPC staff recommendations for these map amendments and take public testimony if offered. The Board will then forward its recommendations to DEP as part of the administrative hearing process. Please refer to the Planning Board’s website for information on providing testimony, for agenda details, and for the M-NCPPC staff report.
Date: To be determined
Time: Refer to the Board’s posted agenda (see the link above) Location: M-NCPPC Montgomery Regional Office; 2425 Reedie Drive, 2nd Floor, Wheaton, MD 20902
Current County Council Review Packet
County Executive’s September 2024 Category Change Packet and October 2024 Transmittal
This transmittal packet includes the following category change requests for consideration by the County Council:
- WSCCR 24-CLO-01A: Logos Homes – 17805 Norwood Rd Request for public water service (W-1) and public sewer service (S-1) for one proposed single-family house.
- WSCCR 24-TRV-01A: David Mohebbi – 1905 Centurion Way. Request for public sewer service (S-3) for the existing single-family house.
- WSCCR 24-TRFV-03A: Mohammed Alosh – 12720 Piney Meetinghouse Rd. Request for public sewer service (S-3) for the existing single-family house.
County Council Action: Pending
Public Hearing and Work Session Schedule
The County Council will accept public testimony on the three preceding requests.
- Date/Time: Tuesday, November 12, 2024, starting at 1:30 pm.
- Location: Council Office Building; 100 Maryland Ave., Rockville; Third Floor Hearing Room.
- The County Council has conducted hearings both in person and virtually. The Council has also accepted written and pre-recorded testimony. Speakers must sign up in advance for this hearing or learn about alternative procedures for providing testimony.
- Hearing record closes: The hearing record is expected to close at the close of business on November 12, 2024.
- View the hearing information packet (PDF).
- Date/Time: Thursday, November 7, 2024, on the Board’s morning agenda.
- The Planning Board has resumed live meetings. To watch the meeting live, please see: Watch online - Montgomery Planning Board. For information on testifying at the Board’s upcoming meeting, please see: Sign Up to Testify - Montgomery Planning Board.
- Date/Time: Tentatively scheduled for Monday, November 18, 2024, at 9:30 a.m.
- Location:
See the County Council Committee agenda link below for information. The meeting will be conducted in person and via video link. - Please check the County Council’s committee agenda for the scheduling of and additional information about this item, including the County Council staff packet.
- Anticipated Date/Time: Tuesday, December 3, 2024; on the afternoon agenda.
- Location: The meeting will be conducted in person and via video link.
- Please check the Council’s agenda for the scheduling of and additional information about this item, including the County Council staff packet and instructions for viewing.
Following the Council’s pending action on these category change requests, the Council will transmit the County Council’s resolution for review and confirmation by Maryland Department of the Environment (MDE). MDE has 60 days to make its determination concerning the Council’s action, but can choose to extend its review time, if necessary.* A copy of MDE’s determination will be posted to the webpage; see the “Completed Actions” tab below.
View the "Completed Actions" to see other recent County Council resolutions for the Water and Sewer Plan.