County Water & Sewer Plan
All of us need fresh water every day. We drink it, bathe in it, cook and clean with it, and play in it. We use it to put out fires, and to build, landscape, cultivate, experiment, and manufacture. Then, the water we have used, now wastewater, requires safe, effective ways to dispose of, recycle, or reuse it that protect human health and the environment. The County uses a combination of publicly- and privately-owned and operated water and sewerage systems to accomplish these goals.
A plan to coordinate and maintain these services is an essential part of the County's responsibilities to ensure the health, safety, and welfare of its citizens. This is the Comprehensive Water Supply and Sewerage Systems Plan (Water and Sewer Plan or the Plan).
2022 Comprehensive Water and Sewer Plan
The Maryland Dept. of the Environment (MDE) has approved the 2022 triennial comprehensive update of the Water and Sewer Plan as required by state law. The County Council approved this Plan under CR 19-1423 on October 25, 2022.
2018 Update of Comprehensive Water and Sewer Plan
The 2018 update of the Plan, the most recent comprehensive update approved by the State of Maryland, was approved by the County Council in October 2018 under Council Resolution no 18-1257. By a letter dated March 11, 2019 , MDE has concurred with Council Resolution no 18-1257. The 2018 update of the Plan is no longer posted to this site. For information on the 2018 Water and Sewer Plan, please contact DEP Watershed Restoration Division, Water Supply and Wastewater Unit staff at 311 or 240-777-0311.
Water and Sewer Plan Background and Process
In Maryland, the State delegates the planning and coordination for water supply and wastewater disposal services to each county government. The Montgomery County government addresses this responsibility through the Ten-Year Comprehensive Water Supply and Sewerage Systems Plan (Water and Sewer Plan), which ensures that existing and future water supply and wastewater disposal needs are coordinated in a manner that:
- Is timely and cost-effective
- Is well integrated with land use planning efforts
- Protects the health, safety, and welfare of residents, businesses, and institutions
- Protects the quality of the environmental resources of the county, the state, and the Chesapeake Bay region
- Helps to improve the quality of the environmental resources of the county, state, and region
Under State law, the Maryland Department of the Environment (MDE) requires the County to prepare a comprehensive update of the Water and Sewer Plan every three years. Between comprehensive updates, the County approves amendments to the plan (such as service area categories, new or revised policies, and technical information) through procedures described in Chapter 1 of the Plan.
The County Executive, acting through the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP), prepares the Plan's comprehensive updates and also provides recommendations to the Council for action on proposed amendments. DEP, with the assistance of other agencies, develops some amendments, typically those that involve policy issues or category changes that affect groups of properties. Property owners also propose amendments, usually those involving category changes for single properties or larger tracts intended for subdivision of new lots. Under state law, the County Council is responsible for approving the Plan and its amendments.
MDE maintains an oversight authority over the County’s Water and Sewer Plan and its amendments. The agency administers regulations that each county must follow in the preparation of its comprehensive plan, and acts to approve, approve with modifications, or disapprove the Plan or any Plan amendment submitted by the County. As part of this process, MDE seeks guidance from the Maryland Department of Planning for consistency with local and State planning use goals, policies and objectives.
Purpose and Function of the Plan
The Water and Sewer Plan is a functional master plan for providing water and sewer services throughout Montgomery County. As such, it provides an important link between the County's land use and development planning and the actual construction of the water supply and sewerage systems needed to implement that planning effort.
The Water and Sewer Plan establishes policies that support the goals and objectives of the County's General Plan, On Wedges and Corridors , the subsequent Thrive Montgomery 2050 General Plan update, and their related local area sector and master plans. These policies emphasize:
- The use of public water and sewerage systems along higher-density urban and suburban development areas
- The use of individual, on-site wells, and septic systems throughout lower-density suburban, rural, and agricultural areas
The Plan's policies are implemented in part by assigning water and sewer service area categories for all properties within the County. The service area categories:
- Designate whether properties are intended to be developed using (and are eligible for) public or private service
- Provide staging elements or a sequence for planning and providing public service
The Water and Sewer Plan provides information on the County's existing water supply and sewerage systems from beginning to end. It includes everything from the point where raw water is drawn from a surface water body or groundwater supply, through delivery and use by the consumer, to the final treatment and disposal or reuse of wastewater effluent.
The Plan provides projections for the future needs of water and sewerage systems, which result from land use planning studies, demographic projections, legal mandates, and policy requirements. It addresses these needs using a variety of approaches, such as:
- New, expanded, or replacement water and sewer facilities, such as transmission mains, pumping stations, storage tanks, or treatment plants
- Expansion of existing water or sewerage systems, or the use of alternative systems, to address communities experiencing public health problems from failing wells or septic systems
- New or updated programs and service policies that address issues like changes in sanitary service technology, support for new development concepts and protection from undesired sanitary system expansion or on-site system use.
Service Planning Coordination with Land Use Planning
Coordination between the Water and Sewer Plan and local area master plans and sector plans is crucial to the development planning and water/sewer planning processes. Master and sector plans direct the character, pattern and density of development in the County's communities. The level of coordination between master plans and water/sewer service planning varies. A sector plan for downtown Bethesda, an area served exclusively by public systems, will address water and sewer service issues only minimally.
However, the approved master plan for an area such as Damascus, for example, where service policies are more complex, addresses this subject at greater length. For master plan areas such as Damascus, DEP staff members are usually involved in the master plan development, review, and approval process from the early stages.
Master plans for areas such as Damascus, Clarksburg, and the Potomac Subregion, recognize that there are boundaries between areas recommended for service by public utilities as opposed to private, onsite water and sewer systems. These master plans typically address the County’s water and sewer service policies with a statement explaining that the provision of public and private water and sewer service is intended to follow the Water and Sewer Plan’s existing service policies.
Master plans may also make water and/or sewer service recommendations that differ from the policies in the Water and Sewer Plan. These recommendations may be either more restrictive or less restrictive as compared to the service policies in the Plan. In such cases, the master plan provides an explanation for the differing service recommendation. These cases are identified in Appendix C of the Water and Sewer Plan, Exceptional Service Policies and Recommendations. (Refer to the Plan contents in the preceding link provided on this page.)