MPDU Purchase Applicants

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In Montgomery County, Moderately Priced Dwelling Units (MPDUs) are affordably priced homes - both new and resale – offered to first-time homebuyers who have a moderate level of household income.  

People interested in applying to purchase an MPDU must meet certain requirements:

  • Be a First Time Homebuyer.
  • Meet the program’s household Income to obtain the MPDU Certificate of Eligibility.
  • Take Required Training where the Homebuying and selection of MPDU available properties is explained in detail.
  • Be prepared for a future home purchase. This involves obtaining their own financing and pay the fees associated with buying a property.
  • Have knowledge of the MPDU homeownership aspect. That is following the MPDU rules and comply with any applicable homeowner or condominium rules and regulations.

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Anyone interested in applying to the MPDU Purchase Program must attend three required online educational trainings. Major Announcement: Effective February 1, 2023
1. The order of the classes will change. The new order will be:

MPDU Orientation Seminar 
First Time Homebuyer Class
Application Tutorial

2. First Time Homebuyer Workshop will be 8- hour HUD- Certified Class given on Saturdays “ONLY”
3.  A Post-Test will be given after each class. You MUST obtain a score of 80% or more to obtain a certificate of completion and before you may move on to the next step.

The primary applicant should attend classes (other household members are encouraged to attend, as well). Whoever attends should attend all classes and must use the same email address every time. If the names or email addresses are inconsistent between classes, the household will not be allowed to apply.  

All MPDU classes are valid for two (2) years. (Note: If an applicant has not applied to the MPDU program within two (2) years of taking any of the classes, they must re-take the class or classes).   

Below is information about taking the classes. After completing the classes, the applicant can submit their application form with supporting documents to the MPDU Application Portal. If deemed eligible, MPDU staff will issue them an MPDU Certificate of Eligibility. That Certificate enables the Purchase Applicant to enter a random selection drawing for any available MPDUs they wish to purchase.  

NOTE: Applicants that have taken either a First-Time Homebuyer class or an MPDU Orientation Seminar within the last two years, do not need to re-take those classes. You may continue to take classes using the previously existing order. That means that if the last class you completed was an MPDU Orientation Seminar and that was within the last two years, you may proceed to the last step in the application process, which is to Take the Application Tutorial (online). 

1.  Attend a virtual MPDU Orientation Seminar: 

To register for the MPDU Orientation Seminar, potential MPDU applicants need to complete and submit a pre-screening intake form to confirm that the potential applicant meets the basic eligibility requirements of the program. The purpose of the form is to ensure that interested applicants are prepared and will be qualified to purchase an MPDU before undertaking hours of training. This completed form must be sent to the MPDU Orientation Seminar provider, the Greater Washington Urban League via email at [email protected]

Please complete this pre-screening intake form and mail it directly to the Greater Washington Urban League – [email protected]. MPDU staff will not review these documents. Please do not email it to MPDU staff.

All intake forms are reviewed for basic eligibility criteria.  If a candidate is deemed ineligible to participate in the MPDU program, a representative of the Greater Washington Urban League will be in contact to provide next steps. If a candidate is deemed eligible, the Greater Washington Urban League will email the applicant directly with a link to register for the next available Orientation Seminar. 
  • Orientation Seminars are offered virtually, last 2.5 hours, and will be provided on the second and fourth Thursdays of the month, in the evening.
  • In order to pass the Orientation Seminar and move on to the second required class, you must 1) attend the full class, 2) pass a post-test and 3) complete an evaluation form that will be provided to you via email after completion of the class.

2.  Attend a virtual First-Time Homebuyer Class: 

The First-Time Homebuyer Class is a virtual, 8-hour class offered on the second Saturday of the month.  The program meets the requirements for HUD Certification of a First Time Homebuyer class.

To successfully complete the class, you must 1) attend all 8 hours, 2) pass a post-test and 3) complete an evaluation form that will be provided via email after completion of the class.  The Greater Washington Urban League will inform MPDU staff of attendees who have successfully completed both required classes and are eligible to take the Application Tutorial.  Please allow 2 weeks after the completion of your last class to register for the tutorial.  

3.  Take the Application Tutorial (online):

Applicants that have taken both the First Time Homebuyer class and the MPDU Orientation Seminar within the last two years may proceed to the final step in the application process, the online Application Tutorial. The Application Tutorial requires you to validate your attendance at the MPDU Orientation Seminar by entering: 1. your name; 2. the email used for the Orientation Seminar; and 3. the Orientation ID in the validation field.  (If classes were taken more than 2 years ago, you will need to retake the classes).