Mid-County Focused Neighborhood Assistance


The Mid-County Focused Neighborhood Assistance area at Glenmont was adopted by the Montgomery County Department of Housing and Community Affairs (DHCA) in 2009 as part of a new initiative to support predominantly single-family neighborhoods in Montgomery County.  The area has over 3,200 homes, mostly built in the 1950s.  It covers one and a half square miles north of Randolph Road to Turkey Branch Creek and bordered by Veirs Mill Road and Georgia Avenue on the west and east.  Analysis of data about crime, income and foreclosures as well as a visual assessment drove the selection process.  A June 2009 Focused Neighborhood Assistance Program Mid-County Focus Area Report offers a detailed account of this process.

As an essential part of the selection process, the County Greater Glenmont Civic Association (GGCA) and other community members met individually with DHCA staff and participated in a public charrette to determine local physical issues and needs. 

Based on the above factors, DHCA

(A) worked with the GGCA to design and install five gateway welcome signs (see photo).

  • Two on Georgia Avenue
  • Two on Randolph Road
  • One on Layhill Road

(B) paved and/or illuminated four pathways (see description and photos).

  • Linking Terrapin Road and Urbana Drive
  • Linking Gould Road and Farnell Drive
  • From Janet Road to Weller Elementary School
  • Linking Helen Road and Isbell Street

(C) made improvements to the Wheaton – Glenmont Pool.

(D) referred several single family homes in foreclosure for purchase and/or rehabilitation