Maintaining and Repairing the Rental Property

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Landlords have certain obligations regarding the maintenance of a rental property. Landlords are responsible for ensuring that their property is in compliance with all zoning, housing, building, fire, and other applicable safety codes. Further, each landlord must reasonably provide for the maintenance of the health, safety, and welfare of all tenants and individuals properly on the premises of rental housing. At the same time, tenants have responsibilities regarding maintaining the property.

Montgomery County DHCA Housing Code Enforcement conducts inspections based on complaints received, for all types of licensed rental housing located in its area of jurisdiction. DHCA also conducts systematic inspections of multifamily rental housing to enforce health and safety violations and identify the most problematic buildings. When DHCA finds housing code violations, DHCA issues a notice of violation to the property owner. The violation must be corrected within the specified deadline to avoid a civil citation.

See below for more information.

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