
The MCDOT Project Coordination Team, with input from key stakeholders, has determined final goals, set objective outcomes, and defined measures to evaluate success. The intent of these goals, outcomes, and measures is to help guide the project principles, and are in alignment with the three priority areas of Moving Forward Together: The Vision for Transportation in Montgomery County, MD.

Safety and Vision Zero

Goal Outcomes
Enhance Pedestrian and Rider Safety
  • Systemwide ADA compliance and overall accessibility: Achieve ADA compliance at all bus stops with a rate per year to be determined and achieve additional accessibility improvements beyond ADA compliance at priority locations

  • Standardized bus rider amenities guidelines: Achieve upgrades to bus stops consistent with their level of service with a rate per year to be determined
Improve Bus Operations Safety
  • Standardized bus stop location guidelines to enhance operational safety and decrease accident rates: Achieve upgrades to or relocations of bus stops consistent with operational safety guidelines with a rate per year to be determined to reduce fatalities and serious injuries for riders, employees, and general public

  • A safety reporting system for bus safety issues for both operators and passengers: Implement a comprehensive safety reporting system

Enhance Pedestrian and Rider Safety
  • Systemwide ADA compliance and overall accessibility: Achieve ADA compliance at all bus stops with a rate per year to be determined and achieve additional accessibility improvements beyond ADA compliance at priority locations

  • Standardized bus rider amenities guidelines: Achieve upgrades to bus stops consistent with their level of service with a rate per year to be determined

Environmental and Climate Resiliency

Goal Outcomes
Shift Mode Share from Auto to Bus
  • Dedicated bus lanes on all identified FLASH and Ride On extRa corridors: Increase the route miles of dedicated bus lanes

  • Rides shifted from SOV to bus: Increase number of bus transit trips per capita

Position Transit as the First Choice in Montgomery County
  • Stable support and source for funding: Achieve a sustainable funding system to meet current and future Ride On/Metro needs and promotes

  • A route network that is structured to maximize demand for full range of Ride On/Metro services (Flash, ExtRa, Flex, Fixed Route): Increase ridership

  • A comprehensive branding plan: Improve brand recognition

Position Transit as the First Choice in Montgomery County
  • Reduced fuel and depot operations environmental impacts in alignment with the goals of the Montgomery County Climate Action Plan: Reduce emissions, water, waste, and other environmental impacts from bus operations to help achieve the Climate Action Plan’s goal to cut greenhouse gases emissions 100% by 2035

  • Minimized deadhead time: Reduce deadhead to revenue time ratio

Promote Ongoing Evaluation of the Network
  • A strategy for ongoing improvement: Create a self-monitoring system that allows Ride On/Metro to monitor and enhance performance and establishing a measure of ongoing performance to promote productivity and efficiency

  • New service to unserved areas: Increase in new jobs and households served by the network that are not presently served by Ride On/Metro (X% of jobs and households within a quarter mile walk of transit)

  • A strategy for improved workforce development: Improve workforce development and retention rates to effectively staff and operate the network

Economic Development and Equitable Access

Goal Outcomes
Increase Access and Connections
  • Expanded reach of network: Increase the route miles of dedicated bus lanes

  • Improved network reliability: Improvement in OTP and missed trips

Implement Targeted Equity Actions
  • Increase all-day service: Increased span of service with consistent headways

  • Improved serviced targeted to equity emphasis areas: Increase in 30-minute transit shed from equity areas

Connect Transit with Economic Development
  • Transit-oriented development advanced: Square footage of development that priority transit investments unlock in master plan areas

  • Partnerships with employers, businesses, and cultural attractions strengthened: Increase participation in TMDs and promotional partnerships

Improve Passenger Experience
  • Implement better wayfinding: Add wayfinding to bus stops from key nodes and add surrounding neighborhood information at stops

  • Improved availability of real-time information: Increase the amount of real-time information, available online, at MC311, and at stations

Improved bike and pedestrian connections: Increase overall bicycle and pedestrian accommodations at high ridership and trail-adjacent stops and at stops serving heavily pedestrianized areas
  • Transit-oriented development advanced: Square footage of development that priority transit investments unlock in master plan areas

  • Partnerships with employers, businesses, and cultural attractions strengthened: Increase participation in TMDs and promotional partnerships