March 18 is National Transit Employee Appreciation Day: Did you know that Ride On operates 7 days a week, has 80+ routes and employs 650 bus operators, transports approximately 65,000 riders daily; ranked 2nd nationally in a Transit App survey as a service most likely to be recommended to family and friends; and had a 20% ridership growth in 2024? Join us in celebrating the hard work and dedication of our employees.
Read about our Ride On, Metrobus, Metrorail, and MTA Commuter bus options for Federal Employees HERE.
Plan your trip while at home, work, or on the go!
Ride On' New Trip Planner app
is available as a
mobile version and a
desktop/laptop version.
* Bus ridership is also included in this application, so you can decide if you want to ride the coming bus, wait for another, or choose another transit option.
Ride On Real Time web-based application
has trip planning capability such as stop times by route or stop number on the application.
* Get real time updates on all bus stops, bus routes, bus locations, and estimated bus time with Ride On Real Time. Click here for more information:
Ride On Realtime Predictions - Montgomery County, Maryland
Ride On's System Map shows Ride On service, and other Montgomery County transportation including Metrorail, Metrobus, MARC commuter rail, and MTA commuter bus service.
View/download System Map (PDF)
Get printed System Map
Metro's Trip Planner
provides information on service for the entire Washington metropolitan area including Maryland, DC and Virginia.
These tools are constantly being improved and may not always provide the best solution for your trip. You may prefer to contact the MC311 Information Center for additional assistance by dialing 311 within Montgomery County or 240-777-0311 from outside the County.
Google Maps now includes Ride On transit route and schedule information. Use Google maps as you normally would but select "By Public Transit" to use public transportation for your trip. You can also select a future date and time by clicking the "Show options" button. Metro service is also available on Google Maps so your trip planning request will show connecting Metrobus or Metrorail service.