Voter Registration
2026 Primary Election Voter Registration Deadlines
Deadlines to register in advance to vote OR to update name, address, and/or party affiliation are provided below.
- 2026 Primary Election: Tuesday June 9, 2026 (5:00 pm)
Eligible Maryland residents may register to vote, at a polling place, during early voting and on Election Day for the General Election.
Already registered Maryland voters may update their residential or mailing address during early voting for the General Election.
Register to Vote or Update Your Existing Registration Information
All registered voters are required to keep their voter registration information current. To participate in a party’s primary election, you must be affiliated with the party.
If you are already registered to vote in Maryland, you can:
- Check your voter registration by visiting Voter Lookup ( or texting CHECK to 77788.
- Update your name, address and/or party affiliation by visiting Voter Registration Update ( or texting UPDATE to 77788.
You can register to vote or update your name, address and/or party affiliation by:
- Using the State of Maryland Board of Elections Online Voter Registration System (online option requires a Maryland issued Driving License or ID)
- Completing and returning a Voter registration form to the Montgomery County Board of Elections
- Visiting Montgomery County Board of Elections
Voter Registration Forms
Large type forms are available upon request. Email or call 240-777-8519 to request a large type format form or if you have any questions concerning voter registration.
Download a Voter Registration Application Form
- in English (PDF)
- en español (PDF ) , con instrucciones
- Traditional Chinese (PDF)
- Simplified Chinese (PDF)
- Korean (PDF)
- French (PDF)