Mandatory Ethics Training for New Employees
Pursuant to the County's Public Ethics Law, new County employees are required to take mandatory ethics training within 90 days of starting service in the County.
A failure to fulfill the mandatory training can lead to disciplinary action. Compliance with the training requirement will be tracked in County systems.
Enrollment/Access to Training:
New employees are automatically enrolled in Ethics Training for New Employees.
- New employees will receive an email with enrollment information
- Instructions for accessing training: How to Access the New Employee Ethics Training Class (PDF)
- New Employee Ethics Training PowerPoint
- For questions on how to enroll in a class, contact OHR's training team at 240-777-5116 or
- For questions about the ethics training class, contact the Ethics Commission at 240-777-6670 or
Note: Persons arriving 10 minutes late or after will not receive credit for attending the training.