Montgomery Cares Advisory Board
The Montgomery Cares Advisory Board (MCAB) meets the fourth Wednesday of the month from 6:00 pm to 8:30 pm. The Board meetings are hybrid. In-person meetings take place in the A&B (Tan) Conference Room on the first floor at 401 Hungerford Drive, Rockville, MD. Virtual meetings are through Microsoft Teams. All in-person meetings offer a call-in option. The MCAB meeting schedule, along with the schedules for other advisory board/commissions/committees, is posted on the Montgomery County Web site.
The legislation defines that the Board must have nineteen (19) voting members including two ex-officio members:
- The County Health Officer or designee;
- The DHHS Chief of Behavioral Health Services or designee.
Members who should be appointed by the County Executive and confirmed by the County Council include: - Two representatives of community health providers that participate in the Program;
- One representative of hospitals that participate in the Program;
- The chair of the Board of Directors or designee of the entity that contract with the Department to administer the distribution of funds for the delivery of Program services;
- Five members of the public;
- Four individuals who have knowledge of and experience with issues relating to health care for the uninsured
- One representative of the Commission on Health;
- One representative of the County Medical Society; and
- Two current or fomer recipients of services (Consumer Representatives)
Advisory Board Members:
Viviana Azar – Ex Officio Member – Chief of the Department’s Behavioral Health and Crisis Services – Designee
Katherine Kelly – Montgomery County Medical Society Representative
Melanie Bunting – Expert on Healthcare for the Uninsured
Kisha Davis – Ex-Officio Member – County Health Officer
Mark Foraker - Community Health Care Provider
Melinda Hite - Expert on Health Care for the Uninsured
Sharon Holquin - Consumer Representative
Yuchi Huang - Member of the Public
Denise Kishel - Member of the Public
Peter Lowet - Community Health Care Provider
Helaine Resnick - Designee of the Chair of the Board of the Primary Care Coaltion
Diana Saladini - Hospital Representative, Vice Chair
Wayne Swann - Member of the Public, Chair
Meeting Agendas
Meeting Minutes
2020 Minutes
- December
- November (no meeting)
- October
- September
- August (no meeting)
- July
- June
- May
- April (no meeting)
- March (no meeting)
- February
- January
2019 Minutes
- December
- November (no meeting)
- October
- September
- August (no meeting)
- July
- June
- May
- April
- March
- February
- January