Montgomery Cares Advisory Board

The Montgomery Cares Advisory Board (MCAB) meets the fourth Wednesday of the month from 6:00 pm to 8:30 pm. The Board meetings are hybrid. In-person meetings take place in the A&B (Tan) Conference Room on the first floor at 401 Hungerford Drive, Rockville, MD. Virtual meetings are through Microsoft Teams. All in-person meetings offer a call-in option. The MCAB meeting schedule, along with the schedules for other advisory board/commissions/committees, is posted on the Montgomery County Web site.


The mission of the Montgomery Cares Advisory Board (MCAB) is to guide the development of the Montgomery Cares Program to ensure steady and measurable growth in the number of uninsured and underinsured County residents accessing high quality and efficient health care services including primary, specialty, dental and behavioral health care services.


The legislation defines that the Board must have nineteen (19) voting members including two ex-officio members:

  1. The County Health Officer or designee;
  2. The DHHS Chief of Behavioral Health Services or designee.
    Members who should be appointed by the County Executive and confirmed by the County Council include:
  3. Two representatives of community health providers that participate in the Program;
  4. One representative of hospitals that participate in the Program;
  5. The chair of the Board of Directors or designee of the entity that contract with the Department to administer the distribution of funds for the delivery of Program services;
  6. Five members of the public;
  7. Four individuals who have knowledge of and experience with issues relating to health care for the uninsured
  8. One representative of the Commission on Health;
  9. One representative of the County Medical Society; and
  10. Two current or fomer recipients of services (Consumer Representatives)

Advisory Board Members:

Viviana Azar – Ex Officio Member – Chief of the Department’s Behavioral Health and Crisis Services – Designee

Katherine Kelly – Montgomery County Medical Society Representative

Melanie Bunting – Expert on Healthcare for the Uninsured

Kisha Davis – Ex-Officio Member – County Health Officer

Mark Foraker - Community Health Care Provider

Melinda Hite - Expert on Health Care for the Uninsured

Sharon Holquin - Consumer Representative

Yuchi Huang - Member of the Public

Denise Kishel - Member of the Public

Peter Lowet - Community Health Care Provider

Helaine Resnick - Designee of the Chair of the Board of the Primary Care Coaltion

Diana Saladini - Hospital Representative, Vice Chair

Wayne Swann - Member of the Public, Chair

Meeting Agendas

2024 Agendas
  • December
  • November
  • October
  • September
  • August
  • July
  • June
  • May
  • April
  • March
  • February
  • January
2023 Agendas

Meeting Minutes

2020 Minutes

2019 Minutes

2018 Minutes