
The mission of the Department of Health and Human Services is to promote and ensure the health and safety of the residents of Montgomery County and to build individual and family strength and self-sufficiency.

Guiding Principles

  • We will provide services that build on the strengths of our customers and the community.
  •  We will be responsive to the changing needs of our community.
  •  We will recruit and maintain competent, customer service oriented staff.
  •  We will make operational a “no wrong door” approach to services delivery.
  •  We are committed to the highest quality customer service for all those seeking services, and hold our staff accountable to demonstrate respect, professionalism, timeliness and fairness.
  •  We value the skill and dedication of our staff and will provide them with adequate support, resources and training to serve our customers well.


Equity refers to fair policies, decisions, and actions by the Montgomery County Department of Health and Human Services when impacting the lives of people.   Equity is a value of fairness that guides the way that Montgomery County Department of Health and Human Services works with customers, staff, and community to promote health, safety, well‐being and self‐sufficiency.  

Our Equity principles address five major areas:  
  • Dignity: We believe that all individuals should be treated with dignity and respect
  • Elimination of Disparities: We believe in preventing and eliminating social and health disparities to achieve optimal health and wellbeing.
  • Access: We believe in ensuring access to effective and high quality services that meet people’s needs, when they need them, delivered by a professional workforce which is competent to provide those services in a caring and respectful manner.
  • Distribution of Resources: We believe that the resources of the Department should be distributed in a manner that maximizes the health, safety, well‐being and self‐sufficiency of the community as a whole.
  • Community Engagement and Participation: We believe that our diverse communities should be meaningfully engaged in providing input and feedback on policies, practices and services.

Trust as a value is the confidence or reliance one has in thee integrity, strength and ability in a product, service or person.   Trust includes the following behaviors:

  • Communicate consistently, honestly and openly  
  • Treat others as we would like to be treated 
  • Demonstrate behavior that is consistent with what has been communicated  
  • Demonstrate integrity in all aspects of work
Service is the action of doing work or providing assistance to someone.

Partnership is a state of working together in partnership.

Service in Partnership is a value that impacts the following areas: 
  • Provide services that build on the strengths of our customers and the community 
  • Create a seamless system of care within the Department, with public partners and public/private partners 
  • We will be responsive to the changing needs of our community for improved outcomes, enhanced client experience and efficient use of resources