Mobile Food Service Licensing & Permit Process

A mobile unit is a truck, trailer or cart where food or drink is prepared, served or sold. A license must be obtained prior to operating. The mobile unit must pass an inspection before it can be licensed.
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What is a Mobile Food Service Facility?
A "mobile food service facility" is a facility that is mechanically, electrically, manually, or otherwise propelled vehicle operating on land or water that moves as part of its routine operation to:
- Change location for sales;
- Obtain food or other supplies;
- Fill potable water supply holding tanks;
- Empty wastewater holding tanks; or
- Providefor the cleaning and sanitizing of equipment and utensils.
When must one apply for a Mobile Food Service license?
A license must be obtained prior to operating. The mobile unit must pass an inspection before it can be licensed.
Anyone who plans to sell or give away food from a non-fixed location must first obtain a Montgomery County Food Service License. The only exception to the law is the sale of fresh produce or live crustaceans.
How does one obtain a Mobile Food Service License? Are there any fees?
Apply online or download, complete and return the Mobile Food Service Facility (Mobile Unit) License application via email to
See the Montgomery County 2022 Fee schedule to determine fees that may apply.
What is a Mobile Reciprocity License?
On April 18, 2017, Senate Bill 262 was signed into law in Maryland. The law allows for a mobile food service facility to obtain a “Mobile Reciprocity License” in another county within 90 miles of their original Maryland licensed county of origin where their Commissary or Base of Operations is located. The bill was enacted to prevent local jurisdictions from requiring subsequent inspections for a “Mobile Reciprocity License” and to cap the fee.
For more information regarding Senate Bill 262, please view the
complete bill.
- NEW MOBILE UNITS: New mobile units, or mobile units who potentially want a reciprocity license in another Maryland county within 90 miles from their Montgomery County Commissary or Base of Operation, should submit the application, plan review packet, any required attachments, menu, HACCP plan, vehicle or trailer Motor Vehicle Administration registration and appropriate fee. Plan review may take up to 14 business days for review and approval.
- RENEWALS: Mobile unit renewals should submit the application, any required attachments, menu, HACCP plan (if menu changes or additional food items are included), vehicle or trailer Motor Vehicle Administration registration and appropriate fee.
- REQUIRED FORMS: The completed Commissary or Base of Operation (a licensed food service facility) form indicating mobile unit has permission to use the facility for storage, filling potable water, cleaning, food prep and disposal of wastewater, grease and/or trash is required.
FOOD SERVICE MANAGER: A Montgomery County Certified Food Service Manager must be on the premises whenever the mobile unit is being operated.
Application - RETURNED APPLICATION: Incomplete applications will be returned to the applicant.
- PRE-OPERATION INSPECTION: The mobile unit must be brought to 2425 Reedie Drive, Wheaton, MD 20902 for inspection prior to operating. If the unit is to receive an annual license, upon passing the inspection, a special sticker will be attached to the unit. Mobile unit inspections are offered M-F, from 8 a.m. - noon and 1 - 3 p.m.
- COMPLETE : The license will be mailed to the applicant.
- VENDOR PERMIT: A vendor’s permit from the Department of Permitting Services may be required. They are located at 2425 Reedie Drive, Wheaton, MD, 240-777-6256.
How does one schedule a Mobile Food Service inspection?
Mobile Units must be inspected prior to licensing. Inspections are conducted at 2425 Reedie Drive, 9th floor, Wheaton, MD 20902. Please use our scheduling assistant to schedule an appointment.
What is a Base Operation? And, what must a Base Operation provide?
The mobile unit must have a base of operation. A base of operation must be from a licensed food service facility. A private dwelling may not be used as a base of operation. Mobile units must use a base of operation routinely for the service provided below. A private dwelling may not be used as a base of operation.
A base of operation must provide:
- A source of potable water, potable water hoses and clean connections.
- A method of disposal of sewage acceptable to the approving authority.
- Clean, adequate, and covered trash receptacles.
- Refrigerated and dry food storage areas, if needed.
- Storage area for single service articles.
- If necessary, utensil washing facility.
Who must submit and what is the process for submitting a plan review?
Anyone who wants to operate a new mobile unit, or alters an existing mobile unit, in Montgomery County must go through plan review and be approved. All applicants must pay the plan review fee at the Montgomery County Department of Permitting Services prior to submitting the plans to our office. Once the plan review fee is paid, a copy of the receipt must accompany your mobile food plan review submitted to our office.
Who do I contact for questions about plan review and remodeling?
Please send an email to: HHSL&
Mobile Food Service Process Guide
1. Apply Online
Mobile Food Service Permits | Format |
Mobile Food Service License Application (New) |
M obile Food Service License Application (Renew) | Online, PDF |
Certified Food Service Manager License Application |
2. Review
- Have a Plan: to ensure we can process your documentation properly - you must have a plan. - Describe plan type.
- Review: be sure to double check all of your paperwork to ensure faster processing time.
- Submit online: We now offer a platform powered by CivicGov for filing an application and paying fees online. We provide this digital platform to decrease the use of paper and our impact on the environment. PDF applications should be mailed to the Licensure & Regulatory Services office (2425 Reedie Drive, 9th floor, Wheaton, MD 20902) or faxed to 240-777-3088.
3. Approval
If approved you will hear back us within 10 - 14 business days. The final part of the process will be to find the inspector specific to your area.
- 240-777-3986
Helpful Mobile Food Service Resources
- Above Training/State Food Safety
- ANSI (Amercan National Standards Institute)
- MenuTrinfo, LLC (includes both AllerTrain and AllerTrain Lite)
- National Restaurant Association
- TAP Series
HCAPP Plan Guidelines for Montgomery County
Maryland Transient Vendors License
Maryland Legislation for the Mobile Reciprocity License: Maryland Senate Bill 262