Classes & Events
Here's a summary of the different types of MCG LEADS training offered by MCG. All classes and events require advanced registration, unless otherwise noted. View the latest lineup and register today!
Dynamic leadership can elevate an organization to new heights, and positively impact everyone in the process—the residents we serve, our colleagues, and all employees. But how can these leadership skills be strengthened throughout MCG? It takes an effective and inclusive leadership development program. The Office of Human Resources (OHR), in partnership with the Leadership Development Working Group (LDWG), is proud to offer MCG LEADS, an enhanced leadership development program for all employees.
Here's a summary of the different types of MCG LEADS training offered by MCG. All classes and events require advanced registration, unless otherwise noted. View the latest lineup and register today!
Access MCG-related leadership resources in one convenient place: the MCG Leadership Development Virtual Lounge . It's designed to orient new managers to MCG, and provide essential organizational awareness tools to all supervisors.