Sidney A. Katz was elected to represent County Council District 3 in November 2014 and reelected to a second term in 2018 and a third term in 2022. He started his public service career in Gaithersburg serving on the Planning Commission from 1976 to 1978. He was elected to the Gaithersburg City Council in 1978 and served until 1998. He was elected Mayor of Gaithersburg in 1998 and served until November 10, 2014 when he resigned upon his election to the County Council.

Councilmember Katz is Chair of the Council’s Public Safety Committee and a member of the Government Operations and Fiscal Policy Committee.

About Sidney

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Government Operations and Fiscal Policy (GO)

Jurisdiction: Economic and fiscal policy; spending affordability; County Government administrative departments; Department of General Services; cable and telecommunications issues; technology issues; personnel and compensation issues; procurement policy; oversight of interagency teams on training, public information, procurement, and PEG (public, education, and government) cable television channels.

Public Safety (PS) (Chair)

Jurisdiction: The Police Department, State's Attorney's Office, the Circuit Court, Sheriff's Office, Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation, and the Criminal Justice Coordinating Commission; Fire and Rescue Service, Emergency Management and Homeland Security; Animal Control and Office of Consumer Protection.

District 3

Map of Montgomery County with Council Districts

District 3 comprises the municipalities of Gaithersburg and Rockville. In addition, it encompasses the area between the municipal boundaries and the Town of Washington Grove. To learn more about the areas District 3 covers, use the  interactive Council District map.

FIND YOUR COUNCIL MEMBER: Use the interactive Council District map to find your Councilmanic District or Councilmember.

Video Guide: Find Your Representatives on the Council

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