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Proclamation recognizing Public Safety Appreciation Day

June is National Safety Month

June is recognized as National Safety Month, dedicated to enhancing safety from the workplace to anyplace. Join us in recognizing the importance of preventing injuries and ensuring safe environments for everyone. Below are some resources, tips, and engaging content focused on various safety topics including emergency preparedness, wellness, injury prevention, and safe driving. Let's commit to making safety a priority not just this month, but year-round. Together, we can create safer communities for all.. 

Helpful Links and Resources for National Safety Month

Local Resources

Building Safety
The Montgomery County Department of Permitting Services is responsible for ensuring the safety and compliance of home renovations and outdoor constructions like decks and patios. By providing necessary permits, inspections, and resources, they help homeowners meet safety standards and local building codes, ensuring a safe and secure environment for all residents. Their commitment to public safety and community standards makes them a great resource for any residential project. 

Pedestrian Safety
By combining the three E's of pedestrian safety - Engineering, Education, and Enforcement - MCDOT is implementing engineering improvements on county roadways, public education campaigns, and targeted enforcement of traffic laws. These efforts have shown signs of reducing the frequency and severity of pedestrian collisions.

Also, Vision Zero roadway safety program seeks to eliminate and reduce pedestrian-related collision and fatalities to zero (0), by 2030. The program focuses on introducing a safe systems approach to education and training, improving the engineering of infrastructure for high-injury area, maintenance of quick-action traffic incident response, traffic safety enforcement, and state policy safety plans.

Emergency Preparedness and Public Health
The Montgomery County Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) program offers a range of resources and training for emergency preparedness. Information is available on how residents can join the CERT to help their communities during emergencies, such as natural disasters or public health crises​. 

National Resources

Safety Training and Courses: The National Safety Council offers a range of training options, including first aid, driver safety, and workplace safety. These courses are designed to provide essential knowledge and skills to prevent injuries and ensure a safer working environment​.

Sidney in the Community


Looking for food resources? Montgomery County has a number of sources available to help. Find a listing of food distribution events, tools for providers, and opportunities to donate.