About Dawn

Dawn Luedtke is a community advocate, former Assistant Attorney General for the State of Maryland, certified law enforcement trainer and expert on healthy schools and public safety serving her first term on the Montgomery County Council.

She was elected in 2022 to represent the newly created District 7, including Ashton, Brookeville, Damascus, Derwood, Laytonsville,Montgomery Village, Olney, Redland, Sandy Spring, and northeast Montgomery County. 

About Dawn

Health and Human Services (HHS) (Chair)

Jurisdiction: The Department of Health and Human Services and all associated issues and organizations and Office of Human Rights.

Public Safety (PS)

Jurisdiction: The Police Department, State's Attorney's Office, the Circuit Court, Sheriff's Office, Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation, and the Criminal Justice Coordinating Commission; Fire and Rescue Service, Emergency Management and Homeland Security; Animal Control and Office of Consumer Protection.

District 7

Map of Montgomery County with Council Districts

Dawn Luedtke represents District 7. Use the  interactive Council District map, to view the areas the district includes.

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