Overseas Shipping Companies En español
- Contact the local consulate of the country where the goods will be sent and ask them about special rules, restrictions or charges that may be incurred when your item reaches their destination.
- Only use a shipping company approved by the Federal Maritime Commission (FMC).
- Compare the rates and services of at least three licensed companies.
- Ask for details of additional or special charges for packing.
- Know what the shipping company's insurance will actually pay in case your goods are lost, damaged or stolen.
- Ask whether the company provides additional insurance. Remember, insurance in your name is the best way to assure that you will be compensated if something happens to your goods.
- Inspect the items you are sending before they are shipped and make sure the Bill of Lading lists the correct information.
Source: www.protectyourmove.gov & Office of the New York Attorney General Andrew M. Cuomo.