Fiscal Summary Schedules
These schedules include data for the following County Agencies: Montgomery County Government, Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS), Montgomery College, the Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission (M-NCPPC), the Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission (WSSC), the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority (WMATA), the Housing Opportunities Commission (HOC), and the Montgomery County Revenue Authority.
The six-year total on these schedules includes the Executive's recommended capital budget for FY15, and the capital improvements plan for FY15-20.
Schedule CIP 200, All Agency Expenditures
This schedule presents each year and six-year total expenditure information in aggregate form, organized by agency. Total approved CIP spending for each agency is summarized here. Data are presented for the following County agencies: Montgomery County Government, the Housing Opportunities Commission (HOC),
and Planning Commission (M-NCPPC),
, Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS), Revenue Authority, the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority (WMATA), and the Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission (WSSC). Estimated figures for the current year, aggregated figures for all prior years, and totals are also displayed.
Schedule CIP 220, Expenditure Summary by Category and Sub-Category
This schedule presents each year and six-year total expenditure information, as well as Budget Year Appropriation figures in summary form, organized by category and sub-category within each category. Data are presented for the following categories: Conservation of Natural Resources, Culture and Recreation, General Government, Health and Human Services, Housing and Community Development, HOC, M-NCPPC,
, MCPS, Public Safety, Revenue Authority, Solid Waste-Sanitation, Transportation, WMATA, and WSSC. Estimated figures for the current year, aggregated figures for all prior years, and totals are also displayed.
Schedule 250: Funding Summary by Category, Sub-Category and Revenue Source
Schedule CIP 210, All Agency Funding Summary
This schedule presents each year and six-year total funding information, in summary form, organized by funding source. Total funding from all sources which support the Capital Improvements Program is summarized here. Estimated figures for the current year, aggregated figures for all prior years, and totals are also displayed.
Schedule CIP 260P2, Detail by Revenue Source, Department/ Agency, and Project
This schedule displays each year and six-year total funding information for each project funded by each funding source. The funding source presented on each page is noted at the top of the sheet, and the projects are sorted by implementing department or agency within each funding source listing. Note that a project with multiple funding sources will appear on multiple sheets within this schedule. Estimated figures for the current year, aggregated figures for all prior years, and totals are also displayed.
Closeout Projects
This table lists all recommended closeout projects for Montgomery County government, the Housing Opportunities Commission, MCPS, Montgomery College, M-NCPPC, Revenue Authority and WSSC sorted by category and subcategory.