Reduce, Reuse, Recycle Right

We’ve seen an increase in the amount of non-recyclable items being erroneously placed in curbside recycling bins and mixed paper recycling carts. These materials can contaminate recyclable materials, rendering them no longer recyclable, and can also impact sorting operations at Montgomery County’s Recycling Center. While some of these items can be recycled through other recycling opportunities, they should not be placed in your blue recycling bin or blue-wheeled cart for curbside recycling collection.

The items we most often see inappropriately placed in blue recycling bins or mixed paper recycling carts, and that we want to remind residents NOT to put in their recycling bin/cart are:

Have what you need?

Build Your Recycling Toolkit

The DEP store has everything you need, from brochures and handbooks to recycling bins, stickers and magnets. Request or download these materials today.
Visit DEP web store

Recycle Right Videos

In this series, we answer your questions about how to recycle Plastic Containers, Plastic Bags, Glass Bottles, Foam Packaging, Batteries, and Aluminum in Montgomery County Maryland.
Watch how to recycle videos