Serves as President of the Council until December 2025. She chairs the Government Operations and Fiscal Policy and Audit committees and sits on the Transportation and Environment committee. Previously, she chaired the Board of Directors for the Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments (COG) in 2023. Kate leads efforts on fiscal responsibility, housing affordability, economic development, and LGBTQ+ healthcare access.

About Kate

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Government Operations and Fiscal Policy (GO) Committee (Chair)

Economic and fiscal policy; spending affordability; County Government administrative departments; Department of General Services; cable and telecommunications issues; technology issues; personnel and compensation issues; procurement policy; oversight of interagency teams on training, public information, procurement, and PEG (public, education, and government) cable television channels.

Audit (Chair)

Issues related to external and internal audits of the County.

Transportation & Environment (TE) Committee

Climate change, energy policy, water and sewer issues and the Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission; issues relating to environmental protection and conservation, including forest conservation; and solid waste, County infrastructure issues including public transportation, roadway and street construction and maintenance.

About District 4

map of District 4 includes Randolph Hills, Kensington Heights, Aspen Hill, Glenmont, Layhill Village and Colesville

Kate Stewart represents District 4, which includes North Bethesda, Silver Spring inside the Beltway, Kensington, Takoma Park, Chevy Chase View, Garrett Park, and North Chevy Chase.

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