Various outstanding Montgomery County, Maryland bond issues are subject to the continuing disclosure requirements of SEC Rule 15c2-12, as amended. This rule requires the dissemination of certain information to nationally recognized municipal securities information repositories (NRMSIR). In addition to filing financial information with the NRMSIR’s the County is also posting the required information on this website. The County’s general purpose audited financial statements for the most recently ended fiscal year (including the audited financial statements relating to the County’s Solid Waste Disposal and Collection Fund) can be found in the County's Comprehensive Annual Financial Report.
Current Disclosure
Alcohol Beverage Services Revenue Bonds Annual Disclosure Fiscal Year 2023
Water Quality Protection Charge Revenue Bonds Financial Disclosure Fiscal Year 2023
Department of Liquor Control Revenue Bonds Annual Disclosure Fiscal Year 2015
Bethesda Parking Lot District Revenue Bonds Annual Disclosure Fiscal Year 2015
Solid Waste Disposal System Refunding Revenue Bonds Fiscal Year 2015
Water Quality Protection Charge Revenue Bonds Financial Disclosure Fiscal Year 2015
Bethesda Parking Lot District Revenue Bonds Final Annual Disclosure Fiscal Year 2014
Department of Liquor Control Revenue Bonds Final Annual Disclosure Fiscal Year 2014
Solid Waste Disposal System Refunding Revenue Bonds Fiscal Year 2014
Water Quality Protection Charge Revenue Bonds Financial Disclosure Fiscal Year 2014
Bethesda Parking Lot District Revenue Bonds Final Annual Disclosure Fiscal Year 2013
Department of Liquor Control Revenue Bonds Final Annual Disclosure Fiscal Year 2013
Solid Waste Disposal System Refunding Revenue Bonds Fiscal Year 2013
Water Quality Protection Charge Revenue Bonds Financial Disclosure Fiscal Year 2013
Bethesda Parking Lot District Revenue Bonds Final Annual Disclosure Fiscal Year 2012
Department of Liquor Control Revenue Bonds Final Annual Disclosure Fiscal Year 2012
Solid Waste Disposal System Refunding Revenue Bonds Fiscal Year 2012
Water Quality Protection Charge Revenue Bonds Financial Disclosure Fiscal Year 2012
Special Obligation Development District Bonds West Germantown 2002 Series A&B Quarter Ending 3/31/04
Solid Waste Disposal System Refunding Revenue Bonds (2003 Series A) Fiscal Year 2004
Special Obligation Development District Bonds West Germantown 2002 Series A&B Period Ending 9/30/04
General Disclaimer
The information made available on this site is believed to be accurate as of the date of its posting; however, such information is subject to change without notice, and its availability on this site shall not, under any circumstances, create any implication that such information is unchanged since the date of its posting. While new or updated information may be posted from time to time, the County assumes no obligation to do so, and the distribution of information in this manner does not in any way imply that the County has obligated itself to update it.