Exhibit Procedures

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Parties must contact Judge’s chambers to inquire about any special requirements for submission of exhibits.

  1. If the page count of your combined exhibits exceeds 25 pages, parties must provide a hard copy to the Court by chamber’s exhibit deadline. The hard copies should be in a binder, single-sided, with tabs separating each exhibit, and include an index. Parties must provide one for the court and one for the judge (total of two copies).

  2. Exhibits must be provided to the opposing party (hard copy or electronically) at least 3 business days prior to the hearing.

  3. All exhibits (electronic or hard copy) must be marked (i.e., State/Plaintiff’s Exhibit 1, 2, 3 or Defendant’s Exhibit 1, 2, 3). It is recommended that exhibit numbering be in the order the exhibits are offered.

  4. If an exhibit is a video or audio recording, it must be placed on a disc or thumb drive to be marked as an exhibit.

  5. If exhibits are sent electronically, they must be uploaded to the OneDrive (link provided by Judge’s chambers) and/or emailed PDF to chambers as directed by the trial judge. Please provide Judge’s chambers with the name and email address of the person uploading the exhibits so chambers can grant them access to the OneDrive. Each individual exhibit should be uploaded.

  6. If parties plan to show exhibits during the hearing, you may be asked to do so by using the “screen share” feature in the Zoom application so that all parties on the call, including the court, will be able to view them at your direction.