How Do I Get a Business License?

Applying for a Business License

It is your duty to determine which license(s) your business requires. The Clerk's Office does not independently determine which license is appropriate for your business and will rely on information provided by you.

Counties, cities, and other local governments may also have additional requirements for their local businesses, such as special requirements for liquor licenses. Such local laws only apply in those localities, while changes in state laws (see Tax Alerts from the Comptroller of Maryland) apply to every company doing business in the State of Maryland.

If you have questions on the type of license(s) your business requires, you may contact the State License Bureau, a division of the Office of the Comptroller, at 410-260-6240, or send email inquiries to You may also want to consult your trade organization, such as the Maryland Restaurant Association, and/or applicable local government agencies for additional information.

Business license renewals are not available to the public until on or about March 31st.

For your convenience, the Maryland Business Licenses Online website allows you to review your account details, license information, and approval status. You can also submit payment and select delivery method of issued licenses on that site.

Any new business in Montgomery County must complete the following steps before its license is issued:

  1. Register your business and establish the legal entity with the Maryland Department of Assessments & Taxation
  2. Download instructions and forms required for starting a new business in Maryland from the Maryland Department of Assessments & Taxation.
  3. Obtain a Federal Employer Identification Number from the IRS.
  4. File your combined registration form with the Comptroller of the Treasury to establish your tax accounts.
  5. Call 800-MDTAXES to open a Use & Sales Tax account with the Comptroller's Office.
  6. Register the trade name of your business with the Maryland Department of Assessments & Taxation. Download the instructions for the trade name application and related form from the Maryland Department of Assessments & Taxation.
  7. Learn about state and county licenses through the Maryland Business Express.

Filing a Business License Application in the License Department

Only the owner, officer, or partner can sign the business license if it is a corporation. If there are no employees, the owner also signs in the designated area. The License Department cannot process unsigned applications and will return them.

Download Application in English (PDF)

Download the Informacion Necesario Para Su Licencia de Negocio (PDF)

Man standing outside his store

Additional Important Information about Business Licenses

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