Family Division Services
Family Law Scheduling Hearings and Uncontested Divorces (except for uncontested divorces requiring interpreters) held by the Circuit Court for Montgomery County will be heard remotely until further notice. Counsel and self-represented parties with upcoming scheduling hearings and uncontested divorces (except for uncontested divorces requiring interpreters) will be contacted by the Court by telephone and/or email with details regarding how to participate in the hearings remotely. If you are involved in a matter that is set for a scheduling hearing, PLEASE IMMEDIATELY SEND YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS AND TELEPHONE NUMBER to Your email subject line should include the case number and date of the scheduling hearing. If you have questions regarding remote scheduling hearings, please call 240-777-9015.
Family Division Services is responsible for the following:
- Protecting and serving the best interests of the children and families in our community;
- Providing ways for litigants to become aware of their rights and responsibilities and have access to information to assist them with judicial procedures;
- Developing appropriate support services for families so that the process reduces conflict and introduces the parties to problem-solving techniques to help reduce future litigation;
- Providing continuity of case management by assigning each case to a Case Manager, Magistrate, and/or a Judge; and
- Resolving cases appropriately and in a timely manner through a system of Differentiated Case Management (DCM).
For more information on services available through the Family Division please click here: Family Division Services Defined
For video information about services, please visit the Maryland Judiciary website to access the Family Services Video Library.
Family Law Self Help Center
Hours of operation:
The doors to the Family Law Self-Help Center open Monday through Friday at 8:00am for sign-in. Sign-ins continue throughout the day until capacity is reached. Family law lawyers begin seeing people at 8:30am. It is recommended that you come early in the day if you want to see a family law lawyer. Additionally, you may call 240-777-9145 and a family law lawyer will call you back within 24 hours for a consultation or to schedule an appointment if appropriate.
Basic Steps in a family case
Family Law Self Help Center- Understanding child custody & visitation
- How children are represented in court
Custody Assessments & Evaluations
- Court evaluator services
- How custody evaluation works
Co-Parenting Classes
- Locations and hours
- Benefits of parenting education
Custody/Access Mediation Program
- Who is eligible
- How custody mediation works
Family Resources
Family ResourcesDownload the Family Division Annual Reports:
2019 Fiscal Year Annual Report (PDF)
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