About Jury Service
The cornerstone of our American justice system is trial by jury. This right is guaranteed by the Constitution of the United States. Jurors perform a vital role in our judicial system. Your participation as a juror at the Montgomery County Circuit Court is invaluable to our community. Thank you for serving.
The following information will help orient you as you plan for Jury Service:
An Inside Look at Jury Trials, from the United States Courts
Jury Service Overview from the United States Courts
Maryland Judiciary's Jury Service Brochure (PDF)
The Jury Office is open Monday-Friday, 7:30am - 4:30pm
Phone hours: 10:30am - 4:30pm
NOTE:The Circuit Court opens at 7:30 a.m. Please note that you will need at least 15-20 minutes to find parking, get through security, and check in at the jury lounge.
For questions regarding Jury Duty, please call 240-777-9090. Please have your badge ID number available when you call.
Call-In Procedure
All jurors must call the Juror Information Line at (301-309-9351) or visit the Jury website after 5:00 pm on the evening before your date of service to determine whether you need to report on your service date. Your call-in number is located on the lower right-hand corner of your summons. If your call-in number does not fall within the range of numbers called in, you do not need to report.
Jurors who were previously excused do not need to report, even if their number falls in the call-in range.
It is important that you check/listen to ALL reporting instructions provided.

For any further requests or questions about your upcoming Jury Duty, if you have lost your juror summons, or if you no longer live in Montgomery County, please call 240-777-9090. Please have your juror badge id number available when you call.
Information about what to expect in the Jury Lounge and in the courtroom.
Length of Jury Service
If you are not assigned to a trial by the end of the day, you will be released no later than 4:30 pm, and your service is complete for at least 12 months. Any citizen selected for a jury trial serves for the duration of one trial, regardless of how long that trial may be. If you are not assigned to a trial by the end of the day, your service is complete for at least 12 months.
The judge reserves the right to keep a panel of jurors longer than one day if the jury selection process has not finished. The average length of our trials is 2-3 days. However, some trials may be longer. You will be told the length of the trial upon arrival in the courtroom. The judge will also decide how late jurors stay each day if you are assigned to a trial.
Juror Stipend
As a trial juror, you will be paid a stipend of $30 for each day of service. If you are on a trial that lasts more than five consecutive days, your stipend will increase to $50 for each day served starting the 6th consecutive day.
Maryland Judiciary Fact Sheet for Maryland Employers and information about laws protecting employees
Montgomery County Circuit Court participates in the Generous Juror Program. Our program is dedicated to Montgomery County Miracles. You may choose to donate your stipend, and you will be provided a tax deduction receipt.

Postponement Policy
Montgomery County adheres to a very strict excusal and rescheduling policy. If you have a significant scheduling conflict (e.g., prepaid vacation, business trip), you may take advantage of a one-time courtesy rescheduling option using the online jury system. Alternatively, you may submit a written request to the Jury Office with your completed questionnaire and any required documentation, within 10 days of receipt of the Jury Summons. You will receive notification if your request is granted or denied.
Maryland law recognizes no exemptions on the basis of occupation.
You may also call the Jury Office at 240-777-9090 to reschedule; please have your juror badge ID number available. However, please note that because new jurors are being checked in early each morning, the phone line does not open until 10:30 am Monday-Friday. If you believe that you may be late for any reason, or if you have further questions about your upcoming jury duty, please call the Jury Office at 240-777-9090 during the hours of 10:30 am-4:00 pm. Please have your badge ID number available when you call.
Court Closures
An alert will flash up on every screen of the Circuit Court’s website if the courthouse is closed for a court-scheduled holiday, inclement weather, or some other emergency event. Information about how you can be automatically notified via Alert Montgomery is available on the Courthouse Policies page.
In case of inclement weather, listen to your local news station for information about the MONTGOMERY COUNTY CIRCUIT COURT only. You may also call the Circuit Court’s pre-recorded message line at 240-777-9399.
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