Public Information Office
The Public Information Office consists of a Media Relations section that works with the news media to inform residents about the programs and services available to them. A Publications and Graphics section provides graphical support to the office and oversees the content and design of the County web site so that it is informative and easy to navigate. A Cable Programming section produces cable television shows for the Executive branch of County government on cable channel 6 – County Cable Montgomery. MC311, the County's Customer Service Center, is where residents can call or go online to find information or submit service requests.
Department Performance Measures
Montgomery County departments are broken out into discrete programs for the purposes of Outcome Based Budgeting. A program is an activity or set of activities performed by County government that has:
- identifiable costs for budgeting purposes
- a clear public purpose and measurable results, and
- clear lines of accountability for its performance and financial management
The following are the performance measures for programs within the Public Information Office. In our performance framework there are three categories of measures:
- How much did we do? (quantity)
- How well did we do it? (quality)
- Is anyone better off? (effect or impact)
Approved Budget
Click on the chart below to explore how the Public Information Office is funded.